Friday, April 13, 2012

Merc gear, Sorceress future and Bow advice needed... again

[:1]Hey guys

After some time I come back to this awesome forums to search answers for question that troubles people from time immemorial:)

Also proudly anouncing Matriarch Adimanta, FO/FB lvl 90 sorc:) yeah she's been doing Hell Meph and I actually completely forgot that there's two more Acts to finish...

My quest drop from Baal included Crown Of Ages, which I consider a fair replacement for a Vampire Gaze on my mercenary. It came with 14% DR two socket and + 23 to all resists which is very nice but the question arises . what to put in the sockets? I browsed the forum and found that this question has been asked before, but the answer was double Ber which is really beyond my reach (altough Hell Mephisto's quest drop was miraculously Jah rune. you know the feeling - first tears of disbelief in eyes, then looking at other runes in my possession and runeword wizard and tears again this time of frustration as I owned Dol Um and Ist at that moment. If only it was one rune lower... well whatever).

I took a look at the runes and gems list (runes El-Ist) but haven't found anything particularly interesting. Maybe double Shael (FHR) or Pul (Defense)? From gems only perfect rubys comes to consideration, so it's down to jewels probably. Since I frankly didn't socket anything throughout the game with jewels yet, I'm gonna need some advice here. What's best? My merc current wears except Crown of Ages Reaper's Toll (15% LL 40-470) and Treachery RW. I choose this one over ethereal Shaftstop found earlier because merc wore slow Kelpie and was low on resist. With CoA however he has maximum now even without Fade and therefore I'm considering throwing it out for something better. Should I re-use the Shaftstop or is there something better avaliable for me (which excludes Engima, CoH and so on)? Duress, Stone, Lionheart, possibly Guardian Angel come to my mind when thinking about this. What would be best for going to uber tristram?

Speaking about ubers and Guardian Angel I also considering an idea of replacing perfect Vipermagi with GA and Whistan's with Sanctuary on my sorc. Since I have one near perfect (69% allres), that would give me in conjunction with HotO, two shimmering charms and rest of the equipment 90% resist fire and lightning, with 95% resist cold and poison with thawing and antidote potions.

The 25% increased Chance to Block on GA would allow me to have max block with Sanc. The things I'd sacrifice for this would be +1 to all skills and 105 FCR. Is it worth?|||Well, first of all - Uber Tristram is pretty much out of the question as a sorceress for the simple reason that all of the ubers got a very high resist to all spells. You need a physical damage dealer with a high chance of crushing blow to uber effectively, especially if you are on a budget.

Usually you want Fortitude in an ebuged armor for your merc because it provides with similar survivability as the other runewords you suggested but also adds a huge damage boost which is needed when you want to deal with those dual immunes. Further, a merc that deals great amount of damage helps to kill bosses faster.

As for runes - really depends on what you feel your merc currently needs. Remember that a merc for a sorc is mostly a meatshield, especially if you are not planning to do much else than mf'ing Mephisto (belive me, trying to uber on your sorc is a really bad idea). The only real issue you'll have are cold/fire immunes, but generally speaking they can be teleported over unless you are one of those who must necessarily kill everything in every game you make.

As for the fcr, you can get that from amulet/rings, but again, without knowing the other details of your gear this is hard to say. It is possible to get up to 20% fcr on magic amulets, so another fcr ring would suffice to make up for the 30% fcr from the Vipermagi. Although - why don't you go with a Spirit shield? It provides with resists, mana, 1+ skills and fcr, freeing up your amulet and ring slots for other things (like more mf). If you make it in a base with high chance to block (e.g. bone shield and its nightmare and hell equivalents), you might not be able to attain max block without sacrificing too much health, but still such an amount that you will block enough to save you whenever it's needed. Max block is great, but you have to ask yourself if you really need it. With enough fcr it will be very hard for monsters to get a hit on you even while you are blind teleporting, and in all other situations you should simply never be hit.

I have around 120 fcr on my sorc and maybe 20 chance to block with a Spirit monarch and with a 4 mana teleport, even if I get hit by a mana burn monster, I can usually safely teleport away if you got high enough fhr.|||I don't use Spirit for a very simple reason: that's not a ladder character. Every ladder runeword is out of option for me (altough that doesn't count for ladder only uniques:))

My equivalent for Spirit is Lidless wall but it's not good enough so I decided to go max block route and generally i don't feel that it was a bad idea really.

Fortitude is nice but again out of my reach.

As for ubers... well thanks for explanation i feel like an idiot now that i forgot to look through their stats... guess that's only accesible for those insane ebotd wielders...|||You can buy spirits off lader in trades, they exist off lader due to ladder resets (much like ladder unis such as gheeds.) You just can't roll (or reroll) them yourself.

I hated max block on a sorc, as I felt teleing away from dangerous situations tended to keep me alive than be locked blocking.

You don't need ebotd to deal with ubers, my budject smite/hammerdin does just fine with equipment little over 2 ists, just some characters tend to be better at it than others. Sorcs can run trist, I've seen firesorcs do it, but it usually requires high end gear like 5/5 faceted perfect escutas and infinity on the merc.

If you want to take down ubers, cheapily I think the concertation barb is the cheapest way to do it, about 1-2ist of equipment.|||I think a smiter is cheaper. You can build one at the cost of perfect gems+ whatever the cost is of Dracul's nowadays, since all you need is alot of crushing blow, chance to trigger liftap and 75 allres while under uber Meph's conviction.|||Sorceresses are great key runners though, but you do need a Nature's Peace ring if you intend to run Nihlatak a lot to avoid corpse explosion. Doing key runes is a pretty easy way to create wealth though. I don't know what keys cost non-ladder but on ladder 3x3 go for around ist on Europe that you can sell yourself + loot from Countess and Nihlatak of course (Summoner tends to drop very poorly even with high mf).

Although, ideally, I would try to get a hold of a Tal Rasha set + a Spirit shield (need 35% fcr though to hit the 105 breakpoint). It will increase your survivability a lot and you will still be able to mf. I wasn't a believer before but after I tried the set recently I now am. You should definitely try it out.

As for uber characters, same applies to a Ribcracker druid, although Ribcracker tends to be somewhat expensive, Shael the Ribcracker, get a decent base for Treachery armor and Dracul's and you're good to go.|||For the merc CoA my choice is Sol Sol, then again i use Gladiators Bane with and IAS jewel to further boost PDR, a VERY tanky setup.

As a weapon i use an eth reapers toll with an amn for the decreep.

So it seems we run a similar merc setup bar the armour choice.

Another advantage is that Sol's are almost free as well :)

At level 94 he can easily handle all cold immune mobs i run across.

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