Friday, April 13, 2012

+x% Deamage to Demons/Undead

[:1]Sorry if this problem has been discused but i need to be sure how this ed works

So, if u have +x% Deamage to Demons/Undead on a weapon the ed will work on offhand damage for bouth weapons (if u have 2 weapons equiped) or only for the weapon that actualy has this mod?

I for one think that they work only for the weapon that has them but im not sure.

I apreciate sure answers :)|||I'm pretty sure if it's on a weapon it only applies to that weapons attack, much like a weapons ED only applies to that weapon and not to your off weapon or shield.

Edit: Im 99.8% sure, but I can't find the formulae for on wep vs off wep ED (or some other proof) on ethier arreat summit or the wiki.|||Quote:

Edit: Im 99.8% sure, but I can't find the formulae for on wep vs off wep ED (or some other proof) on ethier arreat summit or the wiki.

Same problem here and more. I asked a mod from Hell Unleashed ( blue )and he said that it adds to all weapons like offhand ed. Problem is that i have seen the man make some otehr mistakes so cant trust him 100%.|||I'm sure off hand weps ED doesn't add to mainhand damage (LCS may show it does, but LCS lies). A quote from arreat summit is:


Enhanced Damage from non-weapon equipment works like Enhanced Damage from skills and the strength bonus, which is different from how Enhanced Damage on the weapon works. Essentially, the 350% ED will add 350% of your weapon damage to your total. With a 60-93 damage weapon, that means the 350% Enhanced Damage will add 210-325 total damage. This is really not very significant, but it's not a bug, just a balance issue.

This suggests that off weapon ED adds to your total attack afterwards, much like str and skill, rather than changing the number to blue and making it higher for that weapon. Think about it Edef on gloves only work for that armor slot, they don't increase the base def of your boots, but Edef from shout (off armor Edef) gets applied in a different layer (mainly going off base defenses of all your armor slots a '+def' items iirc).|||I know +x% Deamage to Demons/Undead (on weapon or offweapon) works the same way as offhand ed same as skills.

I dont express myself very well in english and donno so i tryed to make it clear.

The only problem i donno is if the +x% Deamage to Demons/Undead from weapon get added to the total ofhand +x% Deamage to Demons/Undead and works for bouth weapons or works only for the weapon with the mod on.|||That's what I was trying to explain. It works like Edamage does. On a weapon it only effects that weapon, off a weapon (say on laying of hands) it's applied to all attacks much like it would be if it was a skill.

Holding a weapon offhand and not attacking with it (like holding silience off hand and using another weapon to swing with concentration for example) you won't get the +% damage to demons, just like you won't get the +X ED from the off hand weapon applied to your main attacks.

(I tried explaining it using Edef as it's easier to see, that Edef from boots doesn't increase belt def, but Edef from an amulet increases overall def).

Edit: Off weapon and offhand ED are 2 different things. rereading your posts now I think you may be asking would a weapons +% dmg vs undead stack with an armors + dmg vs undead. If this is what you're asking, then yes it does. Off weapon would be applied slightly differently but essitinally the same result. Sorry for the confusion.|||On weapons I am 100% sure it only adds to that weapon's swing like RE is saying. If you got ed to demon/undead on your gear like Laying on Hands it works for any attack making the bonus "global". Any global ed stacks cumulatively on top of the local ed (weapon).

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