Friday, April 13, 2012

New Character

[:1]I haven't played D2 for some time but I decided to give it another go because I've run out of games to play. So, the ladder reset and now I find myself wondering what character I should make.

I want it to be able to level pretty fast, I want it to manage on its own untwinked and solo, and I want it to be able to build me some decent wealth for coming characters.

Now, so here's the thing. I've done sorceresses to death now. I've done plenty of variants as well, and after several ladder resets (I think this is the third for me?), I've come to the conclusion that sorceresses don't work out as well as I'd like early ladder.

I've been thinking about a fishymancer but I've done the fishymancer before and I am not too fond of its slow gameplay. Sure, the fishy gets the job done but in solo play it's not like it tears things apart in seconds.

Then there's the option to play a barb but I am no fan of melee characters in D2.

I've done the bowazon and I find it to be too much of a glasscannon and without decent gear stuff simply doesn't go down fast enough and you are too likely to die yourself in the process.

So what's left are trapsins, druids and hammerdins. Hammerdins work I guess, but they are not as powerful untwinked and I really don't see a hammerdin working well without Enigma.

Trapsins I've never done before - I guess that could work, but does it fulfill the requirements above in being somewhat fast to level and works well untwinked?

I am not too familiar with druids at all to make a judgement about that, but my impression is that they are rather weak untwinked.

Any thoughts and suggestions are welcome!|||I think the trapsin is a good fit. Here's one of the guides from the assassin forums:

Untwinked PvM Lightning Trapsin|||Thanks, will check it out!|||Hi there! I also just got back into D2 after many years. I usually played summon or bone necros (with some sorcs, druids and Amazons thrown in), so this time I decided on a Poisonmancer and I have grown to love him. You still get that spell caster feel of a sorc but its a completly different vibe. Very powerful, can solo untwinked (I chose to put points into unsynegized Bone spirit for Poison Immunes for the first kill...then 1 lvl Corpse Explosion FTW) and he is a blast to play. There are several good guides around and a quick search should reveal many.

So my suggetion is a Poisonmancer. GLHF!|||Just wanted to announce that it became ANOTHER sorceress since the forums went down yesterday and I therefore got no responses within the time I was deciding on my new character and I didn't feel like waiting too long for the forums to get back up again before I started to play.

I will focus my sorc to be an MFer only and farming Hell Meph using the good ol' meteorb build and the moat trick. Maybe I will at some point redo her into something else to actually finish the game (meteorb is in my opinion the worst combination imaginable for hell difficulty solo play for a sorc since basically everything is immune to either fire or frost or both), but I think this will do for now.

Poisonmancer does sound interesting though and it might be the next character I plan out, depending a bit on what items I find with my sorc :)

Anyway, would you have some old MF items you no longer need (like blue MF rings and the ilk) I am interested in those, if Charsi is the only option left!|||If your fishy doesn't tear things apart, you either play without enigma, or you're doing it wrong.|||If you play untwinked with Enigma, you're doing it wrong.|||also, fishys tear it up just fine without enigma.|||Quote:

If you play untwinked with Enigma, you're doing it wrong.

Missed the part about wanting to do it untwinked.

Consider my post retracted =)|||Pheonix striker sin is actually really badass for PvM. You take Blades of Ice and Claws of Thunder, and they all power up pheonix strike too. PS can drop lots of meteors faster than any sorc even with max fcr. thats for the dual cold/light immunes (and just because its awesome).

Plus you have Dragon Flight kinda like teleport, and dragon claw gets charges on both hits.

Fade, shadow master, venom, mind blast.... turns out to be a badass even without uber gear. All you really need is good claws

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