Friday, April 13, 2012

Should I make a strafezon?

[:1]What the title says. After almost losing a Gheed's today I became painfully aware I probably need another character at Hell difficulty to not let that happen again. I also need a character that is able to kill most monsters in Hell without any big difficulty and without having to suffer a majority of them being immune to this or that (physical immunes are pretty rare). Doing Andy and Meph MF runs simply do not yield large enough kills to provide me with socketed items. Since I also decided to make my sorc pure fire, farming something like Chaos Sanctuary is not possible due to immunities alone.

Alternatively, I could make an ultimancer, but they seem to be even more expensive. The good aspect of strafe is that you do not need to be in vision of the monsters you wish to attack, although I guess for an area such as Chaos Sanctuary multishot would be a better option.

All this ranting should be evidence enough that I would love some input on this. And no, I am not interested in doing cows (and probably never will).|||Strafezon is great for 0MF item hunting (socketables, gems, runes, charms, etc.) since the ceiling is high, the entry-level floor is low, she has great AOE killing capacity. Its all about killspeed for that role.

Pits is probably going to be your bread and butter with a Strafezon. Personally, I prefer Gunslinger (strafe+MS with LF on switch), for speeding up really high monster-density rooms, but Strafezon is great because all you really need is a Harmony or an upped Witchwild String to get started.

Other good 0MF chars are CL/FO sorcs (though if you already have a sorc you might not want another), Wind druids (though they have a lower ceiling and a steeper entry cost), and Trapsin or Fishymancer (though they're a little slower, being corpse-dependent), maybe a WW barb (more gear-dependent)|||I have three Strafers / Frozen Arrow over level 90. One uses the full Mavina's Set, one uses Windforce, and one uses an upgraded Witchwild String. The WWS kills almost as fast as the Windforce, once Amp Damage triggers. Plus, it's nice to have native level 20 Magic Arrow for Physical Immunes that Amp Damage can't break. Great area runners, all of them, and a really fun build for late night runs. Not so hot with killing bosses.|||I recently reseted my strafe skills on my bowazon due to the fact that the skill just suxs so bad in pvm. When i had the strafe skill then it fired 10 arrows in a second and when i had atleast 10 targets then the 10 arrows i fired were divided on the 10 targets, meaning only 1 arrow hits each target. This is quite terrible.

I noticed that the multishot kills many many times faster and covers a huge area. Atm my multishot is lvl 27. The speed of which i kill everything in hell game is just so incredible. My attack rate is 16.6k.

I personaly dont see no point in putting more then 1 point into magic arrow, infact i prefer using cold arrow which i distributed only 1 point into it. The cold and magic arrows attack rating and damage are quite the same. Only difference is that cold arrow freezes while magic arrow doesnt. Besides cold arrow can also take down those physical resistant creatures. The gear i got gives me extra 9 points into arrows which covers up the lack of damage needed for cold arrows. Even without the extra 9 points in my arrow skills, i can still use lvl 1 cold arrow effectively. Also remember you are shooting arrows faster then the light of speed so the amount of points distributed into skills such as magic arrow isnt important.

Now the most fun part about this is that the gear im using is so super cheap, the only expensive part was creating Faith bow, other parts of the gear costed me atleast 3 ists.

If you want the details of my cheapass and very efective gear then feel free to ask.|||Hmm. Level 1o cold arrow converts 21% of physical damage to cold damage, and costs 4.6 mana per arrow. It also uses an arrow, and you had to sink a skill point into it. It will increase your Attack rating by 91%.

Using the level 20 Magic Arrow present on WWS will convert 20% of physical damage to magical damage. A slight damage advantage for Cold Arrow, but Magic Arrow uses no mana or arrows, you don't have to sink a single skill point in it, and it increases your Attack rating by 181%. More Attack rating means more hits, which means that Magic Arrow will do more damage over time.

Also, you'll notice that my build already does cold damage, as it is both a strafer and a Frozen Arrow Amazon. I'm able to do physical, cold, and magic damage, while your build only does physical and cold. I'm sorry, I think my build is far more flexible, especially when dealing with dual physical / cold immunes.

I prefer strafe to multishot, as with strafe all the chance to cast mods carry over to every arrow. With Multishot, many chance to cast mods only are carried by tehy central two arrows. That's a matter of personal preference, of course.|||everyone should make at least one!|||I just dont see no reason in wasting skill points in skills which you rearly use. Sure you can kill physical resistant monsters faster with lvl 20 magic arrow but the lvl 1 gets the job done as well, also i mentioned that you get extra skill points from your gear. Lets not forget that there arent lots of phys resistant monsters in hell, mostly some minibosses and act2 tomb specs are phys resistant. You wont need a lvl 20 magic/cold/fire arrow to take them down.

Actualy my main skills are distributed on phys and passive, the cold skill ive mentioned to you, i only have 1 point put in there (with gear bonus i have 10 points).|||Arctisavage, I believe you are missing a crucial point - if you have a WWS on switch or main, you don't have to sink a single point in Magic Arrow. The normal attack with WWS is a level 20 Magic Arrow. That's the beauty of it.|||Quote:

Now the most fun part about this is that the gear im using is so super cheap, the only expensive part was creating Faith bow, other parts of the gear costed me atleast 3 ists.

Anything above 4 ists total on gear is not quite cheap in my eyes, as that is currently the total amount that I have (almost, once I get payment from some trades).

On a sidenote, how hard/how much would it cost me to get a WWS? I have not been lucky enough to find one myself.

Also, Arctisavange, it is quite documented that large open areas are always worse for strafe as opposed to multishot, unless you can lure the monsters into a line (something you learn when you do cows). Yeah, I had a strafezon last ladder, I just felt she died too damn much in that damned Pit. It will most likely not be my primary target, rather something like act 3 and Arcane Sanctuary, possibly with key runes tossed in ther as well. Should be noted that I was lucky and got a BOTD bow from some nice chap for free, but the rest of my gear was still poop aside that Valkyrie Wing. What else would you suggest to get aside possibly Laying of Hands?

Also, could someone recommend a build with actually cheap gear (as in... not several ists) that I could possibly afford seeing my wealth here. Yeah, I guess, since I already did that... feel free to bid on something, every little helps XD And I don't think I'll run with a merc most of the time, but if I do, a might merc from act 2 is preferred? Or something else?|||Quote:

Atm my multishot is lvl 27. The speed of which i kill everything in hell game is just so incredible.

Multishot fires skill level + 1 arrows per shot, maxing out at level 23 with 24 arrows fired. After that point only mana cost increases as you increase its skill level.


On a sidenote, how hard/how much would it cost me to get a WWS? I have not been lucky enough to find one myself.

A few pgems normally, they're quite cheap. Even a perfect one shouldn't cost too much.


Also, Arctisavange, it is quite documented that large open areas are always worse for strafe as opposed to multishot, unless you can lure the monsters into a line (something you learn when you do cows). Yeah, I had a strafezon last ladder, I just felt she died too damn much in that damned Pit.

There's little to no reason for a strafer to die in the pit since the only real threat should be archer mobs with a nasty boss. Putting a few points into vitality, spending a few more points on your valkyrie, and using decoy may help. Also knockback makes a huge difference when it comes to safety.


It will most likely not be my primary target, rather something like act 3 and Arcane Sanctuary, possibly with key runes tossed in ther as well.

Then I'd highly suggest going gunslinger. LF is superb vs both the physical immunes you find while on your way to countess, and in arcane sanctuary in general. However for destruction keys I wouldn't recommend a character with a heavy dex investment ... even if you get the "rest in peace" mod CE accidents can happen.


Should be noted that I was lucky and got a BOTD bow from some nice chap for free, but the rest of my gear was still poop aside that Valkyrie Wing. What else would you suggest to get aside possibly Laying of Hands?

Treachery, raizortail, atmas scarab, war traveler. For more options have a look at the gunslinger link in my sign.


Also, could someone recommend a build with actually cheap gear (as in... not several ists) that I could possibly afford seeing my wealth here. Yeah, I guess, since I already did that... feel free to bid on something, every little helps XD And I don't think I'll run with a merc most of the time, but if I do, a might merc from act 2 is preferred? Or something else?

Looking at your list you may not be able to afford much in the way of high rune gear, however barely any build needs such items. Just make whatever character you enjoy playing, that's the only thing that's really important after all. I would have recommended a trapper if you where asking about untwinked builds, but with your founds almost anything works ...

For a physical damage build such as a strafer and/or multi bowzon you'll commonly use a might merc, yes, preferably with reaper's toll (low-mid cost) or a pride (high cost). You can consider act 1 faith mercs once you can afford faith, but other then that there's not much competition on the physical damage boosting front.

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