Friday, April 13, 2012

Question about cube recipe


After having found an ist off a trash mob today(woo lucky me! ) I was wondering what would happen if I tried to transmute(I would never do this with valuable runes btw so don't laugh at me please :P) the ist I found with another ist rune that turned out to be a dupe, into a Gul rune. Which of the following would/could happen?

A) The transmute itself would fail, duped ist rune is deleted.

B) The transmute fails but both runes survive

C) I would get a Gul rune

If I do indeed get a Gul rune, what would happen during a full ruststorm?

#1 Nothing, rune stays.

#2 Rune is detected as a dupe and is deleted.

#3 Rune is split back into 2 ist runes and a sapphire, after which the duped ist rune dissapears and my genuine one remains(Kind of doubt this would even be possible myself since there is no recipe or mechanism in the game to split items but included it as an option anyway)

Would love to know what you guys think!


*fritzlee|||C then 1

There are no checks when cubing runes on whether or not they are duped. Once something is cubed it gets a new legit id, no matter what it was cubed from. And blizzard has never run a full rust storm afaik.|||Runes dropped from monsters are never dupes as far as I know.|||Of course they're not, that's not what he said.|||Quote:

Runes dropped from monsters are never dupes as far as I know.

I might run round dropping duped runes by mobs, along with dropping act one normal GC's as hell baal drop's his loot cause I'm a sick man.|||Quote:

I might run round dropping duped runes by mobs, along with dropping act one normal GC's as hell baal drop's his loot cause I'm a sick man.

I laughed :)

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