Friday, April 13, 2012

something about the economy this time around.

[:1]for some reason, i seem to be getting all of the items i need this time around in 1.13/new ladder. i just started maybe a week ago and items are coming about easier than before. is the economy different from other patches in such ways that it's easier to acquire wealth in items? are the good drops odds lower than before? does it seem like people are more generous this time around?

maybe most of you guys are used to having wealth, but i started playing this game on and off when it first came out until now and never had a character with high end items. getting a vampire gaze was like hitting the lotto lol. i would usually start a paladin character, level him high, try to magic find with him for hours and get nothing, duel with low level items, lose, mf more, lose more and then quit. this is the first ladder season where i started with a sorc for mf purposes and a paladin for uber purposes.

is the ladder season different for anyone else?|||I'm pretty sure this patch or the last they increased the chance that an hr would drop.|||Yes, patch 1.13 increased the drop rate for high runes. Peersonally, I've found Zod and Cham, whereas my highest rune find earlier was Vex.|||Personally not noticing the increase in hr myself However, what you may experience is inflation where a lot of items become devalued over time as the market gets more full. I have also have had issues building wealth with my character and I definitely felt like hitting the lotto when I got that 200% ed HoZ the other day and a rainbow facet a bit before that (it doesn't matter that it's crap, I never found one before!). Anyway, since items become devalued they will sell for less meaning it is easier for poor people to acquire items that were previously regarded as expensive.

On a sidenote - sorceresses and paladins are probably the worst characters you can play in terms of economy as both are very popular and this racks up the prices for items specific to either class. The cheapest are probably barbarians and necromancers and they have the possibility to achieve roughly the same results.|||Ditto on the item inflation, what used to be great is easier to get, but no longer great without a load of items that are still very hard to get. Typical catch22 you need uber gear to get uber gear.|||In the early stages of a ladder reset, your standard good unique items will be greatly valued, as there are pretty few around. As the ladder lives on, the market is saturated with these unique items, and people start looking into runewords as the next step in the progress of gearing. At this point, unique-prices slump, making it easy for poor people to aquire otherwise expensive unique items. So unique-prices decline, HR prices increase: Take advantage of this situation by trading your high uniques for high runes early in the ladder:)

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