Monday, April 16, 2012

What Is Diablo to you?

Hey guys! I recently joined d2 Inc and the forums are a very big help. The people here and the atmosphere are great. But I wanted to take time out of the price checking, the builds, the mf talk, and all the trades. I just asked myself today: What did this game do for me? What is this game to me?

That's what I wanna know.. What is diablo for you guys and whats ur greatest memories with it?

I remember playing back when v 1.04 was in. I remember seeing my cousin playing it (I looked up to him) and I asked my step-dad if he would buy it for me. I remember getting the game, installing it, and not being able to play online the first night due to no Internet at the time. Once I finally got on bnet, I remember asking everyone if they knew Lust (my cousins char name at the time). I also remember hours and hours of joininggames not really knowing what I was doing but still having fun! This games addicting and after 9 patches I came back and am now building a computer to codegames like diablo!

That's my memories haha. What's yours?|||diablo 1 & 2, oh so many memories

i think i was about 12 when 1 came out, and pretty much instapurchased it. played it, it was ok, scared ****less of the butcher.

then there was diablo 2

countless times of re-installing, itemrunning, baals, runewords, time before runewords when you couldnt go enigma with barb,

the game pretty muvh defines part of my youth, more than any other game will ever do. it just got that "feeling" that all of you know for sure |||good times were had

diablo to me was something that took me away from a broken reality

my classmates would hang out at the theater, skate parks, and restaurants

whereas my friends and i would hang out on diablo

joining duel games, playing iron man, and such

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