Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Special" synergies

[:1]Hi guys

Just recently when messing around with Skill Calculator from I came across a little abnormality and just want to confirm if it's true or some Skill calculator mistake. Druid's Summon synergies seem to be working like Masteries rather than synergies because they consider even the skills granted by items not just the hard skill points you sink into them. At least the calculator showed me a significant increase in Grizzly's life while having only one point in Dire Wolves and boosting them up with + 6 skills. Where's the truth? Does it really work that way? If so can you list me the other skills and synergies that work like that? I'm particularly interested in Valkyrie/Decoy relationship. Should it work than a Peace runeword would give me lvl 15 Valkyrie along with lvl 10 Decoy - 200% more life. Or does it work the other way?|||I don't know much about druid summoning skills, but it might be similar to summon resist and golem mastery for necros or bonuses to valkyrie by other passive amazon skills.|||As far as I know they're the only skills that work like masteries without it being clearly indicated.

Valk/Decoy doesn't work like that, but you could sink points into Decoy and then have a synergised level 15 Valk summoned via Peace...|||Thanks.


Valk/Decoy doesn't work like that, but you could sink points into Decoy and then have a synergised level 15 Valk summoned via Peace...

I know that, actually that's what i'm going to do right now. You know ..had to ask this because should it work, then one point in decoy is enough.|||+skills to prayer raises the synergy bonus it provides to cleansing & meditation.

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