Friday, April 13, 2012

Blizzard's solution for eliminating dupes?

[:1]I was transferring dozens of runes today by dropping them in a game with a password. I left 1 character in the game logged on from my notebook and I was hopping in and out of my mules on my desktop. I made a move a bit too quick and unfortunately received the temp ban message. I tabbed out and went off to read some e-mails for about 10-15 minutes.

I logged back on and all of the runes, jewels and gems were gone. I know they weren't dupes because.... I found all of them. None of them were of particularly high value but it was frustrating nevertheless to lose dozens of orts, tals, thuls, amns along with junk jewels and many gems. Since when has Blizzard been going around deleting items left on the ground in a game that aren't dupes? Am I the only one with this problem? Seems kind of ridiculous that genuine items are simply deleted.

Seriously, what's going on?|||Items on the ground always disappear after a certain amount of time. Its different for each class of items, and I'm not sure how long runes will stay on the ground before they disappear, but that has nothing to do with dupes.

If it ever happened again, I'd recommend going over to the notebook and picking things up with the other character. Even if you just click them and drop them again, it'll reset their deletion timer.|||Quote:

Items on the ground always disappear after a certain amount of time. Its different for each class of items, and I'm not sure how long runes will stay on the ground before they disappear, but that has nothing to do with dupes.

If it ever happened again, I'd recommend going over to the notebook and picking things up with the other character. Even if you just click them and drop them again, it'll reset their deletion timer.

I guess I've been away from the game for too long... things weren't like this in patch .09 around 7-8 years ago >_<|||I lost some pretty nice socketables a couple ladders ago because of this. I hurry up when I'm drop muling anything now.|||It seems more related to idle time, than just time where your are doing things. As far as I can tell it effectively messes up muling and sorting items by honest players with no effect on hackers.

Seems kind of ironic that logging in and out of your own game too fast or too many times in some interval locks you out just long enough to lose all your items etc.

I think the stirring the pile (attempting to pick all items up with a full char) does work, due to (passworded) give away games I've been in where people show up for maybe an hour or more dropping items or picking out some and nothing poofed.|||Could just be that they refresh the items by picking it up and then dropping it on the ground again. Although, a solution to your problem - get another CD key set and either run two clients of LOD (there are various ((il)legal ways to achive that) or if you got two sets of computers, install one different CD key on each. Whichever method you prefer, this will greatly solve your muling problems as long you are careful to not log out and in too fast on your mules. It is worth the investment, in my opinion.|||From Arreat Summit:

Items and Gold Disappear after time when left on the ground

Don't leave items or gold lying on the ground any longer than necessary, especially when transferring in town ("muling") as they disappear after a certain amount of time:
  • 10 minutes: Key, Potion, Scroll, Tome, and Ammo (Arrows, Bolts).

  • 10 minutes: Any Armor and Weapon of quality < magic, regardless if flagged as ''Ethereal'', ''Socketed'' or not, and Rune Words.

  • 10 minutes: Pandemonium artifacts (Key of Terror/Hate/Destruction, Mephisto's Brain, Diablo's Horn, Baal's Eye).

  • 10 minutes: Essence (4 flavours) and Token of Absolution (these are new items from Patch 1.13x).

  • 20 minutes: Magic Items, Gems and Runes.

  • 30 minutes: Rare, Set, Unique and Crafted Items.

Picking an item onto your cursor and dropping it again resets the timer.

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