What is the best way to get runes such as IST all the way to ZOD in this game?
What kind of 'runs' do people to do try and find those as quickly as they can?
What is the popular thing to do besides cheating now?|||The diablo wiki has a section on this subject.
Running hell countess very quickly is a good way of getting lum-ist and keys can always be traded for runes. Blitzing the fallen camps on the way to the tower with chain lightning helps too.|||Hunting and selling anni has made me over 100hrs.|||HF rushes if you own multiple cd-keys.|||Unless you have access to tons of duped soj's on NL chars or you enjoy camping diablo clone hunters on IRC for tons of hours per week, the best legit way to get high runes is to learn to be an effective magic finder, play in games with mutliple other people, and kill the big bosses with high magic find gear.
However, since very few people on bnet are trustworthy, a second legit CD key can be extremely important. But, now that the ladders are only 6 months long, only the botters and those that play D2 in a very devoted fashion will ever become what I call rich before the entire thing resets again.
You can however, set up a couple characters in decent gear in a ladder playing with what I call casual hours.|||Quote:
the best legit way to get high runes is to learn to be an effective magic finder, play in games with mutliple other people, and kill the big bosses with high magic find gear.
You mean "the worst", right? :)
It's time consuming and the odds are completely against you. A 1:100 chance for shako that's worth less then pul after 2 months isn't very encouraging.
The best way to get rich in diablo - and world - is to use intelligence instead of doing mindless labor with stable, yet low rewards. In Diablo 2, that can be accomplished by trade. My friend is the best example - once he gets a simple pul or um, he starts trading and he's already at 3-4 ist mark at the end of the day. He knows what to buy and what to sell. What he does is 100% legit, no botting, no hacking, no duping - just wisdom and intelligence. He moves to HRs quickly and in much shorter and arguably less boring way than MFing.
I consider MFing the worst part of the game: most boring, most useless, and with low profit-to-effort ratio. Mathematically, it's a waste of time! Sure, you can get lucky, you can find a JMoD in the first run or so, but... yeah. People that MF don't really depend on luck that much - they do hundreds of runs every day that averages out to slightly above nothing per run.
In the end, when my friend finishes expensive auradins in the middle of LD, MF people still run around with their lame MFsorc trying to sell their mf-ed shakos for pul.
Long story short: wanna get rich? Don't MF. There are other ways. Trading, rushing yourself, anni hunting if you're dedicated, torch runs early in the season... MF is the worst, and most boring one.|||Magic finding is worth doing only in very, VERY early stages of ladder. Otherwise, plain area cleaning pays off much better. Useful unique is worth pul unless it has very good rolls (like 15/40 verdungo, 8/15 string etc), so do socketables (4-5s swords/flails/monarch and ebug armors) but drop much frequently, not speaking of running speed (500mf-loaded guys clean areas slower) to affect charms/runes drop. I used to be 400+mf runner in 2 previous seasons (havent played since 1.09 and thought mfing was still good when returned), now I switched to 90+mf (enigma) area running and I get much more valuable results. Also to mention, I had only 1 valuable unique in my life (sold for 2 jahs) and I got it on 90mf run.
Trading on bnet isnt much funny way too, you have to deal with mostly morons (which are totally excused when pay you big money for junk or sell stuff for lowballs), this might very profitable to buy things there are resell on forums, and probably better than mfing, but still not the best way to acquire wealth.|||Quote:
this might very profitable to buy things there are resell on forums, and probably better than mfing, but still not the best way to acquire wealth.
I beg to differ :) It's THE best way, excluding illegal/hacks. There is simply no way MF or area cleaning will net you 2-4 ists per day like trading does (stable) unless you're super lucky, but luck runs out and morons never do.|||Hm 1 keyset->torch run is 1-2 ist profit and takes ~10 minutes. I believe you can have much more than 2-4 ists per day this way :)|||Quote:
You mean "the worst", right? :)
This, I cannot agree with.
Sure, magic finding may be boring, and it may seem pointless, for just one reason; bots. But that's why you're a member of these forums, correct? Because you don't support botting?
Like I've said before, I believe most Diablo 2 players are spoiled. The simple reason that the shako the legit mfer finds ends up being worth less than a Pul is because of how people find it easier to trade for one which 9/10 of the time was probably found on a bot.
I personally find that magic finding is what keeps me playing Diablo 2. It may be tedious when you aren't showing much progress in finding anything, but the feeling you get when you find a good unique like a CoA or a high rune like a Jah or Ber can never be compared to trading; It's a sense of self satisfaction which sadly many players rarely or never get to experience.
I have a friend, who like you, also hates magic finding. So despite having a well geared level 88 hammerdin, he spends most his time on Diablo 2 sitting in a chat channel or on some other Diablo 2 trading site.
Let's also not forget that everyone needs to start somewhere. Let's face it, if you've recently just started playing, unless you rely on friends to give you gear, you'll still have to magic find for those items to trade.
As for the original question about high runes, I've found that personally killing a lot of monsters (and even more importantly, killing a lot of monsters in a place where the rune you want can drop) is the best way to do it. In my time playing, I've had the most luck doing hell cow and chaos games, solo (I once found a Lo then a Ber rune within two games of each other, last ladder.) Bosses will also drop nice runes, but it's rare. Hell travincial council is also a good place to mf because they have some good drops possible.
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