Run ons are my specialty.
I feel much better now.
To all of the Ravenous Leeches that grabbed all my free gear... Enjoy.
Except for the one kid who asked "got anymore?"... you can go to hell.|||Agreed. Every couple years I get excited about a build and come back. But it only lasts a few weeks before I realize that it is totally pointless.|||Quote:
Except for the one kid who asked "got anymore?"... you can go to hell.
I lol'd irl.|||What's the point of most of these video games? Do they advance me economically or socially?|||Quote:
What's the point of most of these video games? Do they advance me economically or socially?
No, but take a game like WC3. It's competition between two humans. That gives it meaning. You hone your skills to compete. It's like a sport in that regard (but of course unlike sports in many other regards). You could play basketball your whole life and never get sick of it.
Mindlessly killing the same monsters so you can get better gear to mindlessly kill the same monsters more efficiently is a completely different matter.
It's fun when you play for the first time, you go through the game, it's a challenge to finish it. After that it's just bleh.
By the way, I think the whole normal/nightmare/hell system is crap. It's like they could only come up with a story for 1/3 of the game, and were then just like "okay, play the same game again with harder monsters."|||If you really spend enough time thinking about it, there's no point to ANYTHING. Not even LIVING. If D2 is fun, play it. If not, don't. Good for you if you are doing something you find more meaningful, that's internal to you and in the end doesn't matter to anyone else.|||Quote:
If you really spend enough time thinking about it, there's no point to ANYTHING. Not even LIVING.
We live so our children can live. Rinse, wash, repeat... so kinda similar to d2 then?
Maybe I'll just go in the street and hand out all my belongings, quit my job, and live in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER.[/sarcasm]
If you are comparing life to d2 then u might need to talk to someon bro, or start enjoying its finer things like a juicy, freshly shaven *ahem* you get the picture|||No, I don't think you get the picture. You allude to sex --- OOOH and then ? So what? I feel sad for you if you are another one of the many whose self-worth is defined by how many holes you've been inside, and/or if you think that is the point of life. For animals maybe it is. I'm an EVOLVED human, I have ideals far higher than that. Guess what, sex is just pleasure like anything else, including video games or food or w/e. It's also a lot more work and money to get it, and a lot more fleeting.
If sex if what spins your world around, go get it. I don't care. If I didn't have working hands, I might prioritize it more.|||Food is necessary to live. And there are plenty of chicks who are into the Farmer type.|||A wise man said, "time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time".

For me, after trying SP for a while I discovered that the thing I enjoy the most in D2 is the trading process. Sure, it can be frustrating and at times it's you who gets ripped off, but nothing beats that rush when you buy a 20/17 SC or the like for a cracked Sash and a flawless Ruby*...

*Some people say it's unethical and stuff, but the fact is I can't be held responsible for other people's decisions to stay uninformed on item values.
Buyer beware, as the Romans used to say.

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