(Mostly copied from one of ThunderCat's games) Changes/Additions are bolded.
1) You do not talk about your role or any other relevant information concerning the game outside this thread.
2) If you post at night I will kill you, no matter what.
3) The day is considered over at the exact time of the counter not when the end of day post is made. All posts thus need a time stamp of 1 minute before the deadline to be counted as part of the day.
4) If you edit your post I will kill you (This includes editing for spelling mistakes)
5) If your role allows you to communicate with others during the night, feel free to do so via PM, instant messaging or any other form you choose. Only those roles expressly allowed to communicate privately with each other at night are allowed to. If you have any questions, contact me privately.
6) Once you're dead, stay that way. Dead people tell no tales, or in this case, dead people make no posts. Suck up your death and keep watching and rooting for your team. There's always the next round.
7) Every player gets one lynch vote during the day. Votes and unvotes need to be bolded . If your unvote isn't bold, it doesn't count. Votes require full names but spelling and capitalization do not need to be exact. Unvotes with full names need to precede new votes.
Vote: ThunderCat
Unvote: ThunderCat
8) The required number of votes to seal a lynch for the day is equal to one half the remaining number of people alive (rounded up) plus 1. Once someone reaches this number of votes, they will be lynched no matter what; however, the day will still continue to its scheduled conclusion. Half rounded up equals a lynch, but no lock, so the lynchee has until the days end to persuade the town otherwise.
9) Never post anything in the thread that shouldn't be known to the town. Don't flame in the thread. If you have a problem with anything in the thread, please PM me and I'll do my best to handle it.
10) Any player may claim any role. I.E. Any player may claim to be something that they are not. However,
11) Do not post any information sent to you in a pm. This includes, but is not limited to, numbers of words/letters/punctuation marks. If you want to claim a role, don't copy paste the PM I sent you. If you're a townsfolk aka regular forum member, the only person you should be pm'ing (no private aim or msn conversations between each other) is me. Mafia can pm between themselves (or talk on msn or aim) only during the night.
12) I won't be telling you the starting roles.
13) The Day phase lasts 48 hours and the night phase lasts 24 hours.
14) Do not post at night or edit or I will kill you.
15) You will get mod killed if you are inactive (at least 1 contributive post per day phase).
16) Read the rules once more. Have Fun! Good luck! May the best team win.|||Roles Assigned:
1. Gorny -- Bus Driver
2. Leopold Stotch -- Coroner
3. Asrrin -- Mafia Forger
4. CoolguyBad -- Doctor
5. Goryani -- Bodyguard
6. Feysal -- Cityslicker
7. Noodle -- Dirty Cop, Mafia Traitor // Altered Day2 end to Cityslicker//Reinstated Night three
8. Zarniwoop -- Cityslicker
9. Valhauros -- Cityslicker
10. ThunderCat -- Coroner’s Assistant
11. Marahumm -- Cop
12. Laarz -- Head of Security
13. Bad Ash -- Mafia Godfather
14. Technomancer -- Mafia Ninja
15. Sathoris -- Mafia Hitman
16. Caluin Graye -- Investigative Reporter
17. Krazeyivan -- Mad Scientist
18. Ankeli -- Cityslicker
19. LozHinge the Unhinged -- Cityslicker
Town Role PMs
You are the Cop, Pro-Town.
You’ve come to Ravenwood Retreat not for vacation but to try to track down a dirty cop before he can join the mob.
Night Ability:
Each night can you can investigate a player. The investigation will return their alignment; Pro-town, Neutral or Anti-Town.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
You are the Doctor, Pro-Town.
Night Ability:
Each night you can protect a player(including yourself) from harm until the following night.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
You are the Coroner, Pro-Town.
Night Ability:
Night Talk: Talk with your Assistant[ThunderCat] via this: QT thread
Day Abilities:
Day Talk: Via the same QT thread.
Each day you can perform a Thorough, Standard or Quick investigation of a body or bodies as applicable. A successful Thorough investigation will reveal the player’s role and alignment as well as at least some of the players actions. Including who they targeted and any result from those actions. A successful Standard investigation gives the player’s role and alignment. A successful Quick investigation gives only the player’s role but every dead player can be targeted.
Thorough has a 50% chance of success, with a cumulative 25% increase per day on the same target.
Standard has a 75% chance of success, with a cumulative 25% increase per day on the same target. A successful Standard investigation gives a 15% increase to a Thorough investigation of the same target.
Quick has a 33% chance of success per target.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
Forger and Mad Scientist show up as the fake roles on quick investigation.
Upping Quick chance mid-game day2 to 50%
(The switch to 50% didn't actually change anything as ThunderCat got the same amount as info as if it had stayed 33%)
Thorough reveals actual kill flavor, little more info on role plus ability use.
(Thorough ended up not getting kill flavor as I thought he might have been too powerful even with the other things)
You are the Coroner’s Assistant, Pro-Town.
Night Ability:
Night Talk: Talk with your partner, the Coroner [Leopold Stotch] via this: QT
Day Abilities:
Day Talk: Via the same QT thread.
Should your partner, the Coroner die, you will be able to decide from these actions:
Each day you can perform a Thorough, Standard or Quick investigation of a body or bodies as applicable. A successful Thorough investigation will reveal the player’s role and alignment as well as at least some of the players actions. Including who they targeted and any result from those actions. A successful Standard investigation gives the player’s role and alignment. A successful Quick investigation gives only the player’s role but every dead player can be targeted.
Thorough has a 50% chance of success, with a cumulative 25% increase per day on the same target.
Standard has a 75% chance of success, with a cumulative 25% increase per day on the same target. A successful Standard investigation gives a 15% increase to a Thorough investigation of the same target.
Quick has a 33% chance of success per target.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
You are the City Slicker, Pro-Town.
You’ve come to Ravenwood Retreat for a relaxing vacation in the countryside.
You have only your wits to help you.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
You are the Bus Driver, Pro-Town.
Night Ability:
Each night you can switch two players. Actions targeting the first player now target the second player and vice versa.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
You are the Investigative Reporter, Pro-Town.
Night Ability:
Watcher- Each night you can watch a player to see who targets them that night.
Passive Ability:
There is a small chance you might receive information from your sources during the day phase.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
You are the Head of Security, Pro-Town.
Night Ability:
Investigation- You will receive the role of the targeted player. You must wait at least one night phase in between investigations.
Day Ability:
Day Kill - Starting on Day2, during day phase you can choose to kill a player. You must wait at least one day phase in between kills.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
You are the Bodyguard, Pro-Town.
Night Ability:
Protection- Each night you can choose to protect a player from harm. If that person is targeted by a killing ability you will shield them. You have a 100% chance to kill the attacker but will die in the process of protecting your target.
On any night you choose not to target someone and are attacked; you will just be killed as normal.
You win when all anti-town threats have been eliminated and at least one Pro-Town player lives.
Anti-Town Role PMs
You are the Mad Scientist, Neutral, Serial Killer, Anti-town.
Night Abilities:
Investigation Immunity - You will show up as a Scientist, Pro-Town when investigated.
On odd nights(1,3,5,etc) You can choose to give a player a forensic kit. The forensic kit is a one shot night ability that allows the player to target a player’s body and a player. They will then get a result of whether the player killed that other player.
Starting on the second night you can kidnap one player. After experimenting on them for two day phases you will kill them unless a research breakthrough is made. At which time you’ll be ready for a new victim.
You win when you are the last one standing.
You are the Mafia Ninja.
Night Abilities:
Night Talk with your Forger[Asrrin], Hitman[Sathoris], Godfather[Bad Ash] via this QT.
Night Kill - Kills the target player. Anyone can be chosen to be the designated hitman for the night.
Poison Night Kill - Kills the target player via poison. A player targeted with this kill dies at the end of the following day phase. At about the halfway point of the following day phase they will fall under a post restriction of: limit of 5 more posts with about 5 sentences per post. After which they will only be able to vote.
Day Ability:
Day Talk: Also while you’re alive, you and your mafia brethren can communicate during the day in the same QT. With one restriction; after 16 posts each day there is a 5% chance for each post to be intercepted and its contents minus names to be revealed to certain players. The chance increases by 5% for every 4 messages above the limit.
You win when everyone not in the mafia is dead or nothing can prevent the same and at least one mafia member lives.
You are the Mafia Forger.
Night Abilities:
Night Talk with your Ninja[Technomancer], Hitman[Sathoris], Godfather[Bad Ash] via this QT.
Night Kill - Kills the target player. Anyone can be chosen to be the designated hitman for the night. Most abilities can’t be used while performing as the designated hitman for the night.
Framing - The target player if investigated this night will now show up as role X, the default is hitman. Though can be changed to a role name of your choosing any night.
Investigation Immunity- When investigated you will show up as a redirector. Though this can be changed to another role of your choosing on the first night.
Two Shot Redirection - Target player’s action will now target the player of your choice until the next night.
You win when everyone not in the mafia is dead or nothing can prevent the same and at least one mafia member lives.
You are the Mafia Hitman.
Night Abilities:
Night Talk with your Ninja[Technomancer], Forger[Asrrin], Godfather[Bad Ash] via this QT.
Night Kill - Kills the target player. Anyone can be chosen to be the designated hitman for the night. Most abilities can’t be used while performing as the designated hitman for the night.
One shot Manipulation Ignore - Targeted player can’t be roleblocked, switched, redirected, or mimicked this night. This action can be used as the designated hitman, though doesn’t have to be.
Two shot Tracker - Returns who the target player targeted that night if any.
You win when everyone not in the mafia is dead or nothing can prevent the same and at least one mafia member lives.
You are the Mafia Godfather.
In the midst of the town there is a cop whom you might be able to recruit.
Night Abilities:
Night Talk with your Ninja[Technomancer], Forger[Asrrin], Hitman[Sathoris] via this QT.
Night Kill - Kills the target player. Anyone can be chosen to be the designated hitman for the night. Most abilities can’t be used while performing as the designated hitman for the night.
Passive Bulletproof -- You are immune to killing abilities.
Two Shot Roleblocker -- Cancels the target players action that night.
You win when everyone not in the mafia is dead or nothing can prevent the same and at least one mafia member lives.
You are a Dirty Cop, Mafia Traitor.
Night Ability:
Investigation- You can investigate a player and will receive their role and alignment.
Any information you gain from this ability must be kept to yourself until you join the mafia. Otherwise you’ll be taken into custody by the cop and his associates who’re trying to track you down.
If you’re targeted with a Night Kill by the mafia you’ll lose this ability and join them.
You win when everyone not in the mafia is dead or nothing can prevent the same and at least one mafia member lives.
Night/Day Actions
Night 1 Actions
Gorny (BusDriver) -- Switch Gorny with Caluin Graye
Caluin Graye (Reporter) -- Watch CoolguyBad
Marahumm(Cop) -- Investigate Marahumm
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect CoolguyBad
Laarz (Head of Security) -- Investigate Marahumm
Goryani (Bodyguard) -- Protect Ankeli
Technomancer (Ninja) -- Poison NK Feysal
Asrrin(Forger) -- Frame Ankeli -- Mafia Poisoner
Noodle(Traitor)-- Investigate Gorny
Night 2 Actions
Krazeyivan(Mad Scientist) -- Kidnap Leopold Stotch
Caluin Graye (Reporter) -- Watch ThunderCat
Noodle(Traitor) -- Investigate Zarniwoop
Bad Ash(Godfather) -- Roleblock(1st shot) Marahumm
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect Marahumm
Technomancer(Ninja) -- NK Laarz
Asrrin(Forger) -- Frame ThunderCat
Marahumm(Cop) -- Investigate Leopold Stotch
Goryani(Bodyguard) -- Protect Marahumm
Day 2 Action
ThunderCat(Coroner’s Assistant) -- Quick Investigation 50%; Feysal 17 Success, Laarz 66 Fail, Gorny 33 Success
Night 3 Actions
Krazeyivan(Mad Scientist) -- Gifts LozHinge the Unhinged with the forensic kit.
Caluin Graye(Reporter) -- Watch LozHinge the Unhinged
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect Marahumm
Marahumm(Cop) -- Investigate ThunderCat
Asrrin(Forger) -- Frame Krazeyivan
Goryani(Bodyguard) -- Protect ThunderCat
Sathoris(Hitman) -- NK Marahumm
Noodle(Traitor) -- Investigate ThunderCat
Day 3 Action
ThunderCat(Coroner’s Assistant) -- Standard Investigation 75%; Laarz 16 Success
Night 4 Actions
LozHinge the Unhinged -- uses Forensic kit, Targets Leo’s body, and Noodle: Failure
Caluin Graye(Reporter) -- Watch Krazeyivan; After redirect watching Technomancer
Krazeyivan(Mad Scientist) -- Kidnap Goryani
Noodle(Traitor) -- Investigate Goryani
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect ThunderCat
Sathoris(Hitman) -- Track(1st shot) Ankeli
Asrrin(Forger) -- Redirect(1st shot) Caluin Graye to Technomancer
Technomancer(Ninja) -- NK Goryani
Goryani(Bodyguard) -- Protect ThunderCat
Day 4 Action
ThunderCat(Coroner’s Assistant) -- Standard Investigation 75%; Goryani 32 Success
Night 5 Actions
Krazeyivan(Mad Scientist) -- Gifts ThunderCat with Forensic Kit
Caluin Graye(Reporter) -- Watch Krazeyivan
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect Krazeyivan
Bad Ash(Godfather) -- Roleblock(2nd shot) Zarniwoop
Sathoris(Hitman) -- Track(2nd shot) Caluin Graye
Asrrin(Forger) -- NK Krazeyivan
Day 5 Action
ThunderCat(Coroner’s Assistant) -- Thorough Investigation 65%; Goryani 8 Success
Night1, 12 Night2, 83 Night 3, 52 Night 4 83
Night 6 Actions
Krazeyivan(Mad Scientist) -- Kidnap LozHinge the Unhinged
ThunderCat(Coroner’s Assitant) -- Uses Forensic Kit, Targets Goryani’s body and Asrrin: Failure
Caluin Graye(Reporter) -- Watch ThunderCat
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect CoolguyBad
Asrrin(Forger) -- Redirect(2nd shot) Zarniwoop to “CoolBadGuy” CoolguyBad
Bad Ash(Godfather) -- NK LozHinge the Unhinged
Day 6 Action
ThunderCat(Coroner’s Assistant) -- Thorough Investigation 65%; Laarz 89 Failure
Night 7 Actions
Krazeyivan(Mad Scientist) -- Gifts ThunderCat with Forensic Kit
Caluin Graye(Reporter) -- Watch ThunderCat
Sathoris(Hitman) -- Manipulation Ignore CoolguyBad
Sathoris(Hitman) -- NK ThunderCat
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect Krazeyivan
Night 8 Actions
Krazeyivan(Mad Scientist) -- Kidnap Asrrin
Bad Ash(Godfather) -- NK Ankeli
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect Caluin Graye
Caluin Graye(Reporter) -- Watch CoolguyBad
Night 9 Actions
CoolguyBad(Doctor) -- Protect Zarniwoop
Caluin Graye(Reporter) -- Watch Zarniwoop
Day1 Votes
Goryani unvotes CoolguyBad votes Marahumm post #23
Sathoris unvotes Ankeli votes Gorny post #49
Asrrin unvotes Zarniwoop votes Sathoris post #53
LozHinge the Unhinged unvotes Technomancer votes Gorny post #70
Caluin Graye unvotes Asrrin votes Marahumm post #71
Leopold Stotch unvotes Gorny post #82, -didn’t understand vote tally system
Valhauros unvotes Caluin Graye votes Marahumm post #126
LozHinge the Unhinged unvotes Gorny votes Marahumm post #147
Sathoris unvotes Gorny post #137 invalid
CoolguyBad unvotes Goryani post #167 invalid due to Accel start
Asrrin unvotes Sathoris, votes Marahumm, post #173
Sathoris votes ThunderCat post #174 invalid; vote still counts as on Gorny
Sathoris unvotes ThunderCat, votes Marahumm post #180 invalid due to above
Ankeli unvotes Bad Ash, votes Asrrin post #176
Sathoris unvotes Marahumm, votes ThunderCat post #182 invalid again, same
Feysal unvotes Krazeyivan, votes Zarniwoop post #185
Zarniwoop unvotes Noodle, votes Asrrin post #198
Marahumm unvotes LozHinge the Unhinged, votes ThunderCat post #210
Bad Ash unvotes Valhauros, votes ThunderCat post #218
Feysal unvotes Zarniwoop, votes Valhauros post #225
Technomancer unvotes Marahumm, votes ThunderCat post #230
Feysal unvotes Valhauros, votes ThunderCat post #231
Goryani unvotes Marahumm, votes ThunderCat post #232
Day 2 Votes
Asrrin votes Zarniwoop post #266
ThunderCat votes Valhauros post #282
LozHinge the Unhinged votes Krazeyivan post #283
Sathoris votes ThunderCat post #284
Krazeyivan votes ThunderCat post #289
Caluin Grate votes ThunderCat post #292
LozHinge the Unhinged unvotes Krazeyivan, votes ThunderCat post #293
Valhauros votes LozHinge the Unhinged post #295
Zarniwoop votes ThunderCat post #299
Ankeli votes ThunderCat post #302
LozHinge the Unhinged votes Krazeyivan post #310
Day 3 Votes
Sathoris votes ThunderCat post #333
Zarniwoop votes ThunderCat post #334
Asrrin votes ThunderCat post #337
Krazeyivan votes ThunderCat post #342
Technomancer votes ThunderCat post #344
Ankeli votes Bad Ash post #360
Bad Ash votes Marahumm post #378
CoolguyBad unvotes Goryani?, votes ThunderCat post #381
LozHinge the Unhinged votes Bad Ash post #387
Asrrin unvotes ThunderCat, votes Noodle post #389
Sathoris unvotes ThunderCat post #392
Caluin Graye votes Bad Ash post #395
Zarniwoop unvotes ThunderCat, votes Bad Ash post #397
Krazeyivan unvotes ThunderCat, votes LozHinge the Unhinged post #399
Asrrin unvotes Noodle, votes LozHinge the Unhinged post #406
Bad Ash unvotes Marahumm, votes LozHinge the Unhinged post #408
Caluin Graye unvotes Bad Ash, votes LozHinge the Unhinged post #410
Caluin Graye unvotes LozHinge the Unhinged post #432
Krazeyivan unvotes LozHinge the Unhinged, votes Marahumm post #434
Technomancer unvotes ThunderCat post #437 but not bolded
Bad Ash unvotes LozHinge [the Unhinged], votes Marahumm post #439
Caliun Graye votes Marahumm post #440
Ankeli unvotes Bad Ash, votes Marahumm post #448
Technomancer votes Marahumm post #452 invalid
Asrrin unvotes LozHinge the Unhinged post #459
Sathoris votes Marahumm post #464
Asrrin votes Marahumm post #465
ThunderCat votes Marahumm post #467
Marahumm votes Zarniwoop post #468
Goryani votes Marahumm post #485
Day 4 Votes
Sathoris votes Noodle post #513
Caluin Graye votes Noodle post #529
Technomancer votes Noodle post #530
Asrrin votes Noodle post #532
Ankeli votes Asrrin post #536
CoolguyBad unvotes ThunderCat, votes Noodle post #538
Ankeli unvotes Asrrin, votes Noodle post #560
Zarniwoop votes Ankeli post #568
Bad Ash votes Noodle post #569
Day 5 Votes
LozHinge the Unhinged votes Technomancer, post #623
Caluin Graye votes Asrrin, post #625
Caluin Graye unvotes Asrrin, post #636
Bad Ash votes Ankeli, post #638
Zarniwoop votes Bad Ash, post #643
Ankeli votes Asrrin, post #645
ThunderCat votes Technomancer, post #663
ThunderCat unvotes Technomancer, votes Asrrin, post #677
Asrrin votes Ankeli, post #683
Krazeyivan votes Technomancer, post #707
Sathoris votes Technomancer, post #710
Sathoris unvotes Technomancer, post #712
ThunderCat unvotes Asrrin, votes Technomancer, post #722
Technomancer votes LozHinge the Unhinged, post #723
CoolguyBad votes Technomancer, post #726
Zarniwoop unvotes Bad Ash, votes Technomancer, post #731
Caluin Graye votes Technomancer, post #734
Sathoris votes Technomancer, post #742
Day 6 Votes
Ankeli votes Asrrin, post #775
Asrrin votes Ankeli, post #780
ThunderCat votes Zarniwoop, post #782
Asrrin unvotes Ankeli, votes Zarniwoop, post #784
Zarniwoop votes Asrrin, post #785
Sathoris votes Zarniwoop, post #796
ThunderCat unvotes Zarniwoop, post #797
Krazeyivan unvotes Ankeli ?, votes Sathoris, post #800
Bad Ash votes Ankeli, post #803
ThunderCat votes Sathoris, post #808
CoolguyBad votes Sathoris, post #812
Caluin Graye votes Asrrin, post #813
CoolguyBad unvotes Sathoris, votes Asrrin, post #835
Day 7 Votes
Caluin Graye votes Sathoris, post #838
Sathoris votes Zarniwoop, post #840
Sathoris unvotes Zarniwoop, post #843
Krazeyivan votes Sathoris, post #847
Ankeli votes Asrrin, post #851
Zarniwoop votes Sathoris, post #858
Bad Ash votes Ankeli, post #859
Asrrin votes Ankeli, post #860
Ankeli unvotes Asrrin, votes Sathoris, post #861
Sathoris votes Ankeli, post #865
Bad Ash unvotes Ankeli, votes Sathoris, post #868
CoolguyBad votes Sathoris, post #879
Day 8 Votes
Bad Ash votes Caluin Graye, post #889
Krazeyivan votes Bad Ash, post #891
Caluin Graye votes Bad Ash, post #893
CoolguyBad votes Bad Ash, post #952
Zarniwoop votes Bad Ash, post #983
Day 9 Votes
CoolguyBad votes Caluin Graye, post #1033
Caluin Graye votes Krazeyivan, post #1034
Zarniwoop votes Krazeyivan, post #1035
CoolguyBad unvotes Caluin Graye, votes Krazeyivan, post #1037
Random Votes
Player is voting Player
GornyLeopold StotchLeopold StotchSathorisAsrrinZarniwoopCoolguyBadGoryaniGoryaniCoolguyBadFeysalKrazeyivanNoodleFeysalZarniwoopNoodleValhaurosCaluin GrayeThunderCatGornyMarahummLozHinge the UnhingedLaarzThunderCatBad AshValhaurosTechnomancerMarahummSathorisAnkeliCaluin GrayeAsrrinKrazeyivanLaarzAnkeliBad AshLozHinge the UnhingedTechnomancer
|||Players alive:
1. CoolguyBad
2. Zarniwoop
3. Caluin Graye
Players dead:
1. Gorny -- Mod Killed Day one, Bus Driver, Pro-Town
2. Feysal -- Died at the end of Day one
3. Leopold Stotch -- Went missing on Night two, Body found at the end of Day three
4. Laarz -- Strangled Night two
5. Valhauros -- Mod Killed Day two, Cityslicker, Pro-Town
6. Marahumm -- Lynched Day three, Cop, Pro-Town
7. Goryani -- Strangled Night four
8. Noodle -- Lynched Day four, Dirty Cop/ Mafia Traitor
9. Technomancer -- Lynched Day five, Mafia Ninja
10. LozHinge the Unhinged -- Shot to death Night six
11. ThunderCat -- Shot while asleep on Night seven
12. Sathoris -- Lynched Day seven, Mafia Hitman
13. Ankeli -- Shot to death Night eight
14. Asrrin -- Went missing on Night eight, Found dying at the end of Day nine
15. Bad Ash -- Lynched Day eight, Mafia Godfather
16. Krazeyivan -- Lynched Day nine, Mad Scientist/SK
Time until Day nine end/ Night ten start: Saturday 11 @ 4:20 PM EST
First Column is who's being voted for. The number in parentheses is how many votes are on them. After the "--" is who is voting for them.
Parentheses() denote current votes. Brackets[] denote old votes.
Numbers in brackets denote oldest[1] unvote to newest[2+] unvote
Day nine vote tally: (2 to lynch/ 3 to lock)
Krazeyivan(3) -- (Caluin Graye), (Zarniwoop), (CoolguyBad)
Day eight vote tally: (3 to lynch/ 4 to lock)
Bad Ash(4) -- (Krazeyivan), (Caluin Graye), (CoolguyBad), (Zarniwoop)
Caluin Graye(1) -- (Bad Ash)
Time until Night nine end/ Day nine start: Thursday 9 @ 4 PM EST
Time until Day eight end/ Night nine start: Wednesday 8
Day seven vote tally: (4 to lynch/ 5 to lock)
Ankeli(1) -- [Bad Ash[1]], (Asrrin)
Sathoris(5) -- (Caluin Graye), (Krazeyivan), (Zarniwoop), (Ankeli), (Bad Ash)
Those with no current votes:
Time until Night eight end/ Day eight start: Tuesday 7 @ 4 PM EST
Time until Day seven end/ Night eight start: Monday 6 @ 4 PM EST
Asrrin(0) -- [Ankeli[1]]
Zarniwoop(0) -- [Sathoris[1]]
Day six vote tally: (5 to lynch/ 6 to lock)
Ankeli(1) -- [Asrrin[1]], (Bad Ash)
Asrrin(4)-- (Ankeli), (Zarniwoop), (Caluin Graye), (CoolguyBad)
Sathoris(2) -- (Krazeyivan), (ThunderCat), [CoolguyBad[1]]
Zarniwoop(2) -- [ThunderCat[1]], (Asrrin), (Sathoris)
Those with no current votes:
Time until Night seven end/ Day seven start: Saturday 4 @ 4 PM EST
Time until Day six end/ Night seven start: Friday 3 @ 4 PM EST
None at the moment
Day five vote tally: (6 to lynch/ 7 to lock)
Ankeli(2) -- (Bad Ash), (Asrrin)
Asrrin(1) -- [Caluin Graye[1]], (Ankeli), [ThunderCat[2]]
LozHinge the Unhinged(1) -- (Technomancer)
Technomancer(7) --(LozHinge the Unhinged), [ThunderCat[1]], (Krazeyivan), [Sathoris[1]], (ThunderCat), (CoolguyBad), (Zarniwoop), (Caluin Graye), (Sathoris)
Those with no current votes:
Time until Night six end/ Day six start: Wednesday 1 @ 4 PM EST
Time until Day five end/ Night six start: Tuesday 31 @ 4 PM EST
Bad Ash(0) -- [Zarniwoop[1]]
Day four vote tally: (6 to lynch/ 7 to lock)
Ankeli(1) -- (Zarniwoop)
Noodle(7) -- (Sathoris), (Caluin Graye), (Technomancer), (Asrrin), (CoolguyBad), (Ankeli), (Bad Ash)
Those with no current votes:
Time until Night five end/ Day five start: Sunday 29 @ 4 PM EST
Time until Day four end/ Night five start: Saturday 28 @ 4 PM EST
Asrrin(0) -- [Ankeli[1]]
Day three vote tally: (7 to lynch/ 8 to lock)
Bad Ash(2) -- [Ankeli[1]], (LozHinge the Unhinged), [Caluin Graye[1]], (Zarniwoop)
Marahumm(8) -- [Bad Ash[1]], (Krazeyivan), (Bad Ash), (Caluin Graye), (Ankeli), (Sathoris), (Asrrin), (ThunderCat), (Goryani)
ThunderCat(2) -- [Sathoris[1]], [Zarniwoop[1]], [Asrrin[1]], [Krazeyivan[1]], (Technomancer), (CoolguyBad)
Zarniwoop(1) -- (Marahumm)
Those with no curent votes:
Time until Night four end/ Day four start: Thursday 26 @ 4 PM EST
Time until Day three end/ Night four start: Wednesday 25 @ 4 PM EST
LozHinge the Unhinged(0) -- [Krazeyivan[2]], [Bad Ash[2]], [Asrrin[1]], [Caluin Graye[2]]
Noodle (0) -- [Asrrin[2]]
Day two vote tally: (7 to lynch/ 8 to lock)
ThunderCat(6) -- (Sathoris), (Krazeyivan), (Caluin Graye), [LozHinge the Unhinged[2]], (Zarniwoop), (Ankeli), (LozHinge the Unhinged)
Valhauros(1) -- (ThunderCat)
Zarniwoop(1) -- (Asrrin)
Those with no current votes:
Time until Day two end/ Night three start: Sunday 22 @ 4 PM EST
Time until Night three end/ Day three start: Monday 23 @ 4 PM EST
Krazeyivan(0) -- [LozHinge the Unhinged[1]], [LozHinge the Unhinged[3]]
LozHinge the Unhinged(0) -- (Valhauros)
Day one vote tally: (9 to lynch/ 10 to lock)
Asrrin(2) -- [Caluin Graye[1]] (Ankeli), (Zarniwoop)
Feysal(1) -- (Noodle)
Gorny(1) -- (ThunderCat), [Sathoris[2]], [LozHinge the Unhinged[2]]
Goryani(1) -- (CoolguyBad)
Laarz(1) -- (Krazeyivan)
Marahumm(4) -- [Technomancer[1]], [Goryani[2]], (Caluin Graye), (Valhauros), (LozHinge the Unhinged), (Asrrin)
Sathoris(1) -- (Leopold Stotch), [Asrrin[2]]
ThunderCat(7) -- (Laarz), (Sathoris), (Marahumm), (Bad Ash), (Technomancer), (Feysal), (Goryani)
Those with no current votes:
Time until Night two end/ Day two start: Friday 20 @ 4 PM EST
Time until Day one end/ Night two start: Thursday 19 @4 PM EST
Ankeli(0) -- [Sathoris[1]]
Bad Ash(0) -- [Ankeli[1]]
Caluin Graye(0) -- [Valhauros[1]]
CoolguyBad(0) -- [Goryani[1]]
Krazeyivan(0) -- [Feysal[1]]
Leopold Stotch(0) -- [Gorny[1]]
LozHinge the Unhinged(0) -- [Marahumm[1]]
Noodle(0) -- [Zarniwoop[1]]
Technomancer(0) -- [LozHinge the Unhinged[1]]
Valhauros(0) -- [Bad Ash[1]], [Feysal[3]]
Zarniwoop(0) -- [Asrrin[1]], [Feysal[2]]
Day Start/End Posts
Day one end
Day two start
Day two end
Day three start
Day three end
Day four start
Day four end
Day five start
Day five end
Day six start
Day six end
Day seven start
Day seven end
Day eight start
Day eight end
Day nine start
Day nine end
|||It was finally time for the grand opening of the Ravenwood Retreat. People had come from far and wide just to attend. It wasn't long after the initial opening celebration that the vacationers weary from travel began to head to their rooms. Already they were making plans on what they would do first the next day. Some planned to go skiing in the nearby mountains. Some had decided to go hiking through trails and enjoy the wilderness. Others still were planning what they'd do at the talent show. A few decided they'd just relax by the pool. Whatever they decided, one thing was for sure, they had earned this respite from their normal lives.
1. Gorny
2. Leopold Stotch
3. Asrrin
4. CoolguyBad
5. Goryani
6. Feysal
7. Noodle
8. Zarniwoop
9. Valhauros
10. ThunderCat
11. Marahumm
12. Laarz
13. Bad Ash
14. Technomancer
15. Sathoris
16. Caluin Graye
17. Krazeyivan
18. Ankeli
19. LozHinge the Unhinged
At 4PM EST NIGHTTIME will officially start. You may not post until 24 hours from then(or now for that matter). All those with night actions can PM them to me anytime before day start, though the sooner the better.
|||At the first hint of the morning sun, everyone was roused from their beds and sequestered into the lobby of the Ravenwood Retreat. After waiting for an hour in the lobby with no sign you're ever going to be told what's going on, a few of you sneak off. It takes a few minutes but you finally find a spot where you can listen in on the management. After listening for a while, you find out that there are suspected mafia among the vacationers and that everyone is being detained until the authorities can arrive. However, in such a remote location as you are that could take a week or more and by then your leave time would be over. It looks like if you're ever going to get back to your vacation you're going to have find the mafia members.
Once this news is disseminated into the crowd, it doesn't take long for the lobby to descend into chaos. Accusations fly around with everyone pointing the finger at someone else.
It is now DAYTIME. Day one is going to use the accelerated start mechanic. You will all find yourself voting someone else in the voting section(or soon will). You can not unvote that person unless you vote for someone else. On further days, voting will return to normal.
Players Alive:
1. Gorny
2. Leopold Stotch
3. Asrrin
4. CoolguyBad
5. Goryani
6. Feysal
7. Noodle
8. Zarniwoop
9. Valhauros
10. ThunderCat
11. Marahumm
12. Laarz
13. Bad Ash
14. Technomancer
15. Sathoris
16. Caluin Graye
17. Krazeyivan
18. Ankeli
19. LozHinge the Unhinged
With 19 Players alive, it takes 10 votes to lynch someone and 11 votes to lock the lynch.|||Whoop! Someone forgot to die last night! :)
<waits for auto-vote machine to spin up>|||No mention of a night kill opening day? I wonder if it was pre-planned (to give us an extra day to lynch someone) or if the mafia was MIA last night.
At least I get to unpack my bags in peace, and enjoy at least one day at the resort.|||Maybe someone didn't read the part where Uraj said it was night time once the timer hits 0, and they were expecting another reply saying the night phase has started?
I know I missed it for a few hours, but then I reread the post and figured it out.|||At least there's showers and towels and hot & cold running chambermaids in the rooms.

I was half-expecting some kind of "Deliverance" back-woods wooden shack.|||my eyes burn from reading walls of text in the comm forum O_O.
No nk is a big plus, too much time in the hot tub and forgot to send it in perhaps?
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