I have max resists in Hell, and 10% PDR from Shako. No access to BO.
With that in mind, around how much life should I aim for in order to safely survive 2 corpse explosions? I keep getting pwnt by a random corpse my Merc killed, even though I'm wearing Nature's Peace. I tried unequipping him at Nihl, but Meteor's per second damage brings monsters' health down low, and he still lands an occasional killing blow.
I'm getting pwnt by CE's

I try to draw as many as possible to one side then tele on top on him for a killing blow. You've got to be fast with your cast rate.|||Hmm, isn't CE part physical? I thought that was the part was killing me, since I have max fire resist. I'll see if I can come up with some fire absorb gear.
So my tactic is:
1. Approach from one side until the Slayer pack is barely visible.
2. Spam meteors and fireballs in that direction like crazy.
3. Once the crowd has thinned, move close to look at what immunity Nihl has spawned with.
4. Ignore the few monsters that are left (unless they're super dangerous like vipers) and whale on Nihl.
I usually get CE'ed in step 4 by something my Merc killed.
So you think a different strategy could help? I figured I should go for Nihl as soon as the crowd is manageably thinned-out, since he keeps summoning minions anyway, and since I don't have to worry about CE if I can knock him out fast. I'll try the more defensive, drawing minions away strategy. Thank you much!|||CE deals half fire, half physical damage.
No matter how nuch you invest into vit, your sorc probably won't safely survive 2 CEs without BO, maybe except you put lots of +life charms into her equipment (but then you can invest the needed resourced into CtA instead). A strategy change might help however: The Halls of Vaught always have this design (respectively 4 of them, rotated by 90� each):
Evil urn Nihlathak
\ /
\ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
/ \
Champion No evil urn
Fireballs have a very long range, so you can fire them off from a long distance, before you can see Nihlathak and his minions, so you can usually kill them all before your merc takes note of them (and if he runs into the hall, you can reposition him by teleporting). If Nihlathak is fire immune, it doesn't matter, as all his minions are already dead when you approach.|||You don't have a cta because you can't afford one or because you use other gear on your switch?
Even a cta1 would improve your suviveability.
Anyways, changing position if you merc wacks a monster should be a good move.|||Hehe, I can't afford one yet, but it's up there in my priority.
Yes, krichan's makeshift map reminded me that it's possible to predict which hallway Nihl would be located in. That certainly gives me an edge and opens up more maneuver options.
I'll try out all of the advices above. I have high hopes. Thank you all.
By the way, did key drops get nerfed since 1.11 (when I last played)? I remember getting keydrops much more often, and sometimes 2 or even three at once (as in 3 Hkeys at once, not separately). Now I ran keys for almost 2 hours, and barely have 2 keysets. Then again, it could be that I was running with a fully set-up Hdin back then, and now I'm making do with a budget Meteorb.|||Ahh, I finally get that drawing. Anyways, unless you wanna check the champion pack or the evil urn you could look at the wall paintings instead.
You wanna look where my cursor is and check if there's a painting or not.

No Painting = No Nihla

No Painting = No Nihla

No Painting = No Nihla

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