Monday, April 16, 2012

Double CD key issues

So, I got another LOD CD key because I want to be able to dual-play, but the problem is, it won't allow me to because it says that the CD key is already in use whenever I am logged in on already on the other CD key. I did install both different LODs on top of the same classic CD key, is that the issue?

An update:

Some research did show that this is indeed the case. Since my classic game is bound to my primary account and I could not buy another (I got the new LOD from the retail store) because you can supposedly only have one game bound at any time. It is however possible to make an infinite number of logins (as long as you got an infinite amount of e-mail addresses, I suppose) and buy the digital download version under a new account, which I did. In retrospect rather stupid, since I could've gotten a deal from the retail store buying classic and LOD for 20 euro instead of buying another classic game from store for 15 euro (LOD cost 15 in the retail store as well).

Anyway, a lot of hassle for a simple issue! For those who lost their original CD keys or wish to own several accounts, I guess this is a short-fix solution for those who are like me and want to be able to play in the middle of the night and not tomorrow when the retail store is up.|||Yes. You'll need two unique keys for each CD type.

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