I'd like to ask a question about the durability of certain items, namely belts. Do they differ in speed of loosing durability points compared to, say armor?
A minute ago I found an Arachnid's Mesh. Guess why I'm asking question about durability

Guess it just wouldnt be myself if this didn't happen....|||You got an ethereal one?

This is how it worked in 1.10, I don't think it has changed since then...
1) Attacking
Each time you hit a target, there is a 4% probability that the weapon you used will lose 1 dur.
2) Defending
When you're hit, the game picks a random a location with following weights :
helm = 3, torso = 2, right hand = 2, left hand = 2, belt = 4, boots = 4, gloves = 3
(and usual prob = weight/(sum of weight) ).
Empty location is ignored, indestructible items too.
This location has 10% chance of loose 1 dur.
No dur loss when you block.
No dur loss when you are hit by missiles.|||hubb you got point
At least you know what that feels like... you jump to heaven in joy only to be thrown back to earth after picking it up and finding it in the inventory. Hell i still can't believe that I got pwnd like that...
edit: what do those numbers mean? belt = 4 that is good or not?|||Quote:
edit: what do those numbers mean? belt = 4 that is good or not?
Looks like belts and boots are most common items to lose durability when under attack. Belt has 4/20 (20%) chance to lose 1 durability when hit according to the hubb's input. Dont know how much dura it has, but it might take you (mesh_dura*5) taken hits to bring completely break it.|||Quote:
Looks like belts and boots are most common items to lose durability when under attack. Belt has 4/20 (20%) chance to lose 1 durability when hit according to the hubb's input. Dont know how much dura it has, but it might take you (mesh_dura*5) taken hits to bring completely break it.
It should be more like (belt durability * 50) hits, considering the fact that the chosen item slot only has 10% chance of losing durability, according to hubb.
BTW, where did this data come from? It seems strange to me that the belt and boots slots are the most likely to get hit and the helm and torso slots has the least chance.|||Quote:
When you're hit, the game picks a random a location with following weights :
helm = 3, torso = 2, right hand = 2, left hand = 2, belt = 4, boots = 4, gloves = 3
(and usual prob = weight/(sum of weight) ).
So the belt slot has 0.2 (or 20%) to lose dura point. Im not quite sure why did belt say "10%", it doesnt come from the date he listed at least.
And even if it was 10%, hits number would have been (belt durability*10), why 50?
Or does it mean belt has 10% chance to lose dura, AFTER it was picked with 4/20 ratio?|||Quote:
Or does it mean belt has 10% chance to lose dura, AFTER it was picked with 4/20 ratio?
The way I read it, yes.|||Oh that's just great. Considering the durability of Arach's of 7 the belt will be trashed in the next 35 hits

Damn my luck... this seems to be the worst choice of all for an ethereal..
//my bad it's 350... yet still

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