Monday, April 16, 2012

Legit Tyrael's

Anyone found one yet?? So far, 3 Templar's...|||I just want to find a green sacred armor already.|||Quote:

Anyone found one yet?? So far, 3 Templar's...

Haha, this one irks me too!

In 5+ years of playing more or less actively on the realms I have found every unique in the game.. with the exception of Tyrael's Might.

I won't trade for one either since it's mostly useless -- even a Lionheart breastplate would probably make more sense for most builds -- but still, the hope of finding my own TM one day hasn't completely died yet |||Quote:

I just want to find a green sacred armor already.

I have found more than enough those, so far I have found ~9 IK armors.

I have found Tyrael (just one) and two Templars.

Still missing 3 missing uniqs (Crown of Ages, Death's Web and Steelrend)|||That's what kills me, some people fine a ton of something, yet not one of something else.

I'm up to 6 Tal plates but still no green sacred armor that I'll never use... grr....|||I've never found a Tyrael's. That, Griffon's, and Stormlash are the uniques I've never managed to find myself.|||Quote:

I've never found a Tyrael's. That, Griffon's, and Stormlash are the uniques I've never managed to find myself.

Stormlash or Stormspire? I've found my first stormlash after I created my first grief . No tyraels or templars, but one Ik armor.|||You know what really kills me, is hearing that my experience is generally not to different from anyone else's (except DHAmazon - grr, argh) and then to see the findings of one of SP's MFOs.|||Quote:

Stormlash or Stormspire? I've found my first stormlash after I created my first grief . No tyraels or templars, but one Ik armor.

Stormlash. Every unique scourge I've ever found has been a Horizon's Tornado.|||I found one 2 seasons ago in a solo baal run from Listers pack. I saw it on the ground, picked it up and saw it wasn't ethreal so I knew I had a good chance of it being a Tyraels. I used it on a jav zon merc primarily running D keys just to make sure I dont get popped from his kills. I had a natures peace.

I found an IK armor in pits with a wws strafer with only 30 something mf from WT's.

I found a COA also in pits.

My newest find, I couldn't believe my eyes is a 15ias / 15 all resist jewel. I have no idea what to do with that.

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