Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Best gear for holy shock pally?

I recently started a holy shock pally and and curious of what others think would be the best gear to use for one. What gear would help me be able to survive hell mode with him? I'm in act 1 of hell and am already running into problems with lightening immunes...any suggestions?|||-use conviction aura

-dream helm

-dream shield



rest is situational, for fcr or ias

my fastest pindleskin runner |||To be precise, when using Dream helm+shield, you don't make a holy shock paladin, but a HS synergy paladin. The aura levels from 2x Dream stack with each other, but not with the aura of the paladin. His synergies affect it and he could use conviction instead. However, I think a sorc is better at that, with lightning mastery, plenty of points to invest into enchant and optionally even frozen orb (making her a tri-element sorc capable of dealing with hell mode) and a merc with Infinity.|||Ok i play non-ladder so certain runewords are sorta outta the question, including dream. So far the only good gear i've got on him is a highlords amulet, zakarum sheild and heavens light scepter with 2 shaels in it. I'm doing ok in hell mode I'm still in act 1 but i've been able to take down lightning immunes somewhat decently, i have a feeling it's going to get worse though as i get further. I really just want to play a paladin that is viable in hell mode, that ISNT a hammerdin. I fell like it can be done with a hs pally maybe if i get good enough gear. Anyone been successful in this?|||If ladder gear like a Dream helm and shield is beyond your budget, your HS pally will be far worse than he could be. I guess I wouldn't do it.

If it's mainly about playing a non-hammerdin, fana-zealot paladins are very viable in hell mode and you already have half of the gear for one. Fanaticism probably adds more benefits than holy shock which also needs maxed resist lightning. Add e.g. Dracul's, Guardian Angel or Engima, Goreriders, T-God's, Ravenfrost and a dual leech ring and he will have no problem with most of hell mode. As soon as you can afford it, get Grief in a phase blade.|||Quote:

If ladder gear like a Dream helm and shield is beyond your budget, your HS pally will be far worse than he could be. I guess I wouldn't do it.

If it's mainly about playing a non-hammerdin, fana-zealot paladins are very viable in hell mode and you already have half of the gear for one. Fanaticism probably adds more benefits than holy shock which also needs maxed resist lightning. Add e.g. Dracul's, Guardian Angel or Engima, Goreriders, T-God's, Ravenfrost and a dual leech ring and he will have no problem with most of hell mode. As soon as you can afford it, get Grief in a phase blade.

I think i may just do that. I have grief in a phase blade sitting on one of my mules already, as well as some goreriders. It shouldnt be too hard to get the rest of the gear. T-gods? Isn't that an amazon belt..?|||It adds lots of str and vit, but what's more important, it also adds +10 to maximum lightning resist and lightning absorb, so if you max lightning res, you will be practically immune to any lightning attack from monsters, in particular gloams.|||If you could get your hands on an Infinity for a Merc, all your problems would go away. I play Ladder so I don't know how outrageously expensive Ladder runewords are on NL, but if you're rich and want to finish this Pally, I'd say it's effective enough to be worth the investment.

Otherwise, the only option is to load up on physical damage. I'd say you can easily hack through LI's through the virtue of a Grief PB alone, without any skill point adjustments. You're still screwed against the LI/PI's, though, which is one of the reasons why an Infinity would be the best option.|||If a Dream helm+shield is beyond the budget, then it's the same with Infinity . Also, Infinity is probably in much higher demand than Dream as well.|||Quote:

If a Dream helm+shield is beyond the budget, then it's the same with Infinity . Also, Infinity is probably in much higher demand than Dream as well.

Since i haven't been playing for long(about a month now) I'm not really sure of item values at all. I havent even seen an infinity or dream helm/shield up for trade, but I'm assuming they have to be around since when the ladder resets all the ladder only gear is carried over to non-ladder. Maybe i can ask around the forums to try to obtain some of these things. An infinity would be nice for my merc, right now he's using a bonehew ogre axe which is okay, but I know an infinity would be much better.

I actually have a decent amount of nice gear, thanks to a ladder player giving me a bunch of gear that was on his characters that expired. That's why I have a grief phaseblade and a bunch of other stuff i can use to build the pally. I reset my stat points yesterday, maxing out zeal, sacrifice, fanaticism, and put most of the remaining points into holy sheild and a few into resist auras. (I'm lvl 72) I do quite a bit less damage than i did when i was holy shock (did about 1-6K /w holy shock, now i do something like 1700-2400, but it's pretty much all physical damage which is better for hell mode, plus my attack speed is higher with fanaticism.

I'm debating whether I should use this heavens light mighty scepter of grief phaseblade. I'm not sure which would be better.

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