Wednesday, April 18, 2012

LF opinions on a D2 mod

Basically I've been looking for something to play before d3 comes out, and I ran into the Median XL mod today. It looks fairly interesting seeing as it introduces so many new skills and other changes to the game, and I was wondering if anyone here has tried it and whether you liked it or not (and also why). Other mod suggestions are welcome as well, as I don't think the un-modded game will keep me interested anymore. If you're going to suggest another mod, however, I'd prefer a mod that has people still playing it online as well.|||Never played it myself, but I have heard it is good, and challenging. You should find more info over at the phrozen keep, and this would probably get more response over in the single player forum, I know there are a fair amount of people over there that play it.

Maybe someone can move it |||Oh I'm sorry, I didn't really know where to make this thread. Anyway, thank you for the reply, I might give the mod a try if I manage to find my diablo cd's somewhere. :)

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