Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Where do people go to get decent Baal runs these days?

With all the Baal bots, I haven't found a single hell Baal game with more than 2-4 people in it, always just lying about waiting for the bot to do everything. The game list is too flooded with bot games to even get a full 8 player run.

Are there channels with private runs that end up being successful? I mean apart from posting a player match up thread - something consistent.

How does anyone level past ~85 this way?|||There are a few channels on useat that have numerous full chaos and baal runs, but they are all still just bot runs. but, what else can you do anymore?

try clan ant|||Quote:

There are a few channels on useat that have numerous full chaos and baal runs, but they are all still just bot runs. but, what else can you do anymore?

Become a super villain and hold the world hostage for the reform of a decade-old RPG.

|||There are still legit channels out there. You just need to find them (can't help you though since you are east).|||Some times, you'll get lucky, like me last night.

I was doing random baal runs, and jined a random game, and it was some "Bot clan" I asssume.

Cause they where all level 97-98, and they all joined/left at the same time.

Just camp lobby for a little bit and look for baal games ith 5+ people in it, usually those are the good ones, if not then you can always try going into the chat and asking people what a good baal channel is.|||I go to a legit Hc baal channel where we do private runs.. pm if you want to come... botting/cheating/map-hacks/buying items/unlegit trading or running with people that do those things are a ban...

much funner this way trust me. level 96 so far

uswest hcl *naturalhacks

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