Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Half Life Mafia Signup

I've finished my Half Life universe game. I promise that if you don't know the story, you will when its over with.

I'd love it if I could get a decent turn out for this game as I've put a lot of thought into it. So, please sign up if you have the time to play.

If one of the mods could sticky this, I'd appreciate it.

I will be waiting for the SP game to conclude before starting.


I'm having surgery Monday to remove a large kidney stone that I cannot pass. This explains the excruciating pain I've been having out of nowhere for a week. I'm going to be a wreck for 3-7 days so I need to delay the start of the game until the 18th. I'm going to be VERY heavily drugged because apparently, this is one of the most painful things you can go through.

You can bet my diet will be changing after this.

There's nothing to worry about, but I just want to make sure I do a good job modding this game. So please sign off if you're still in.

Signed up:

1. Gorny

2. Laarz (strong maybe real life permitting)

3. Uraj

4. Valhauros

5. Ankeli

6. Asrrin

7. TC

8. Feysal

9. Noodle

10. Caluin Graye

11. Sathoris

12. Goryani

13. kestegs

14. CoolGuyBad

15. zemaj

16. Noammr

17. I_Told_You

18. Krazeyivan

19. BadAsh (very likely but depending on availability while in vegas)

20. LozHinge the Unhinged

21. Flip10thMtn

22. nurman|||WTH ... i'll signup.

*Sticks thread*|||Not sure,so put me down as a strong maybe once I know for sure I will let you know Zarni.|||I'll sign up.|||

Sign me oop, Zarniwoop!|||If the start goes past next monday, I'm in.|||I'll do it!|||Quote:

Not sure,so put me down as a strong maybe once I know for sure I will let you know Zarni.

You'll play and you'll like it.

Also, there are still tons of people alive in the sp mafia game. They started with 20+. I don't really want anyone to have to split their energy, so I will be waiting as long as I can for that game to either get down to a few people or until it finishes depending on how much it drags.

Therefore, I'd expect at LEAST 7-10 days until this started.|||I'll join if your game beings after the SPF game ends. Can barely focus on hosting that one, let alone play another game.|||/in.

Maybe I actually get to play this time around.

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