I have about 4 accounts filled with stuff. Every 5-6 months, I login just to see if the accounts are there, but otherwise, I don't do anything with them. I just make sure I don't lose the stuff on them because they expire or some other non-sense.
I just did so again today, and it's kind of insane considering the amount and the quality of stuff I got these accounts. I'm sure there's a lot of people who have more, but it's probably way above average.
Thing is, I doubt I'll ever come back to play the game. What do I do with all of this junk?
Going into each character to make it unexpired is a real pain in the ***. It really is. I just want to auto-un-expire every character I have with 1 button click.
Sometimes I get kicked off the server after logging into 3 characters... and I actually wait like 5 minutes between them. Stupid bot-detection programs. Grrr.
It seems to silly to just give it away for free. It could help people, but there's way too much effort put into everything just to give it away. Lord knows they'll probably trade it for something worth a lot less, or destroy it everything anyway. It also seems like a waste to let the accounts die.
I have no idea what to do with them. Ideas?|||You could start playing again...maybe make some characters that could make use of the items. Other than that, there isn't much else you can do with them. I would save them for if i ever feel inclined to start playing again, so i don't have to go through all the trouble of obtaining a decent amount of good high level gear. If you aren't ever going to play again, give them away to friends, people who you know wont trade them for crap so you know they don't go to waste. Give em to me and i'll use them. lol just kiddin
Maybe you could sift through all the stuff and ditch some of the lesser items that aren't worth hanging on to as much as others. That way you wont have to log on to 4 different accounts to make sure your stuff doesn't expire. I know i horde way to many items, and half of them i never end up using/trading. I always say to myself "yeah, I'll make a bowzon and use this bow one day!" or something stupid like that when i decide to save the item. Then it sits in my stash untouched. I already have a second account and i just started playing again a month ago lol|||If you don't think you will ever come back to the game instead of letting the items rot away why not give them away to people who might use them. Even if you did come back, would you even be interested in playing non ladder? most people play on ladder.
If its the effort involved in giving away the items, pick someone else to do it for you. I am just one person here who would be happy to distribute your items to others in whatever way you want.|||I did an inventory. I didn't even bother listing everything. I'm such a freaking packrat :/
1x Beast (double axe)
3x Eth Infinity
1x Eth Insight
2x Call to Arms (i thought I had a lot more of these...)
2x Hoto
3x Thunderstroke (one is perfect, the other is 198)
1x Eth titans revenge - 9%, very high ed
1x Titan's Revenge
1x Faith GMB - perfect
1x Faith Great Bow - perfect
1x Harmony MB - perfect
2x Windforce - 8%
1x Runemaster - perfect ed and 5 sockets. Worthless, but rare ;P
1x Widowmaker (+5 guided)
1x Grandfather - worthless, but have a good one
3x Escuta's Temper (3/20/x, and 2x 3/x/20)
2x Death's Web (one is 2/45)
1x Death's Fathom (meh one)
1x Eth Death's Fatham (26%)
1x Last Wish BA
1x Rift
1x Grief PB (37%)
2x Eth Reaper's Toll
1x Tomb Reaver (3 socket, good stats I guess)
1x Eth Bartuc's (zod)
1x Eth Jade Talon (almost perfect)
8x Spirit (many perfect, some just for BO)
1x Phoenix Monarch
3x Hoz (one has Um inside)
4x Stormshield
2x Mosers
2x Boneflame (one is near perfect I think, but other is also good)
2x Dragonscale
1x Eth Dragonscale (I think it's near perfect actually... 190 ed/20 fire absorb/24 strength)
2x Headhunters (both 3sockets with great resists. One has 3x 5/5 cold facets)
1x Humonculus
1x Artisan's Tiara of Nirvana (w/ 3 15/40 jewels)
9x Shako (Most high def or perfect)
2x Griffon's Eye with perfect 5/5 lightning facets
11x Andy's Visage (all good/perfect)
1x Vamp Gaze (I think it could be perfect, didn't check)
2x Jalal's
1x Eth Jalal's
2x Kiras (one is perfect)
1x Rare Druid Helm - +2 druid skills, 30% frw, 84 attack rating, 20 stength, 47 life, 36% lightning resist
2x Nightwing's Veil (one is perfect with 5/5 cold facet)
3x Crown of Ages (two are 2-sockets with really good stats - one has Ber and -15% requirements jewel with other stuff. The 1-socket is perfect in other stats.).
1x Arreat's Face (197)
1x Halaberd's Reign (perfect)
1x Eth Cerebus Bite (+4, I think other high stats and maybe perfect leech... dunno)
1x Giant Skull (2 socket)
1x Eth Veil of Steel
2x Enigma
5x Eth Fortitude
2x Fortitude
3x Chains of Honor (2 are perfect)
2x Arkaine's Valor
1x Eth Arkaine's Valor
2x Templar's Might
2x Leviathan (one is perfect)
3x Skin of the Viper (perfect)
2x Ormus Robes (One is Meteor, other is blizzard. Both are 15%)
1x Eth Treachery
1x Eth Shaftstop
1x Eth Duriel's Shell
2x Chance Gaurds (perfect)
2x Java 3/20 Gloves
3x Steelrends
3x Frostburns
2x Laying of Hands
2x Bloodfist (1 of them is perfect and is upgraded to vampirebone)
12x Dracul's Grasp (some really high stats, lots of duds though)
13x Arachnid's Mesh
4x Thundergods
1x Razortail
4x Verdungoes (1 is perfect, the rest are good DR and high vit)
3x Nosferatu's Coil
1x Goldwrap
1x Snowclash
4x String of Ears
8x War Travs (various, some perfect)
5x Marrowalks
1x Waterwalk (perfect)
1x Hotspur
2x Shadowdancer (+2, 24 dex)
3x Gorerider (two are 195/197 defense and are upgraded to myrmidon greaves)
2x Eth Sandstorm Trek
7x Stone of Jordan
5x Nagelring (all perfect)
1x Nature's Peace
5x BK Ring (all 5%)
12x Ravenfrost (all 19/20 dex with really high attack rating)
1x Wisp Projector (20 absorb/15mf)
2x Carrion Wind (9%)
lots of dwarf stars
Lots of amazing dual leech/stat/resist/fcr rings
5x Maras (all good, some perfect)
5x Highlords
3x Atma's Scarab
2x Saracen's Chance (both perfect)
1x Saraph's Hymn (perfect)
1x Cat's Eye
3x Rising Sun
1x Metalgrid (444/303/35)
1x Trang Set
1-2x Tal Sets
1x Griswald's Set
1x IK Set (with awesome jewel inserts for the hell of it)
1x Aldur's Set
11x Torches (2xNecro, Sorc, 2xPally, 2xZon, 2xSin, Barb, Druid - all above average to really good)
8x Anni
2x Gheed's (some perfect)
Tons of really good life/frw/poison/mf sc's and gc skillers
And of course, lots of HRs and socketable items (eth, non-eth, whatever)|||I'll take the top half :P|||How long did it take to get all that stuff?|||Quote:
How long did it take to get all that stuff?
I dunno... like a year maybe? I did it awhile ago - not recently.|||I used to play back in the day too, play a little now again. ONe character only for me though.
A year to gather more gear than you'll ever need, and now you don't want to play anymore or you can't?|||Some nice items there, IMO just keep them for collection's sake :)|||When it comes to never playing again, well... never say never. I was in your shoes keeping accounts alive every few months, and glad I did because I've currently got the itch to play.
I would open Diablo in windows mode, so I could start a game, then browse the web, do some work, or whatever, while occasionally moving on to the next character. But you do have many more characters than me so I can see even my unassuming method to be a pain in your case.
How about keeping one of each item - just in case you want to play again - and giving away the rest. Or maybe you could award items via some contest that amuses you.
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