Wednesday, April 18, 2012

advice on light sorc (and general advice)

Whatup people? I have been lurking around here and just decided to join and ask a couple questions. I have a bunch of chars that are around level 80 but none of them really seem to be extremely bad ***. So I am working on making a light sorc that can kick the **** out of hell. She is currently level 84 and now I need some more advice on gear and trading. My current gear:

Um'ed Shako

+3 Eschutas with light facet


spirit monarch

Highlords ammy

arachnid mesh belt


sand treks

1 10 fcr ring

nagel ring

I am looking to upgrade some gear, especially armor into CoH and get cta/soj's/light gc's...but I do not know where to begin. Which should I go for first? A friend said he got a 2 to bo cta for ist and I was wondering if I should do this first or try and get a higher cta or go for something else? I dont really have much to trade with but a couple ists, mal and a gul. I also have a 4os armor, 3os balrog skin, 6os dimensional blade, 5os flail, 4os superior flail, 4os cv and I was wondering if these could be traded for anything. Thanks for any advice.|||You could use that 5os flail to make a cta, and hopefully roll a high cta. my first made cta on ladder I rolled was 6 bo (WOOT). I made another one though and rolled 1 bo...xD.

Personally if you wanna be able to destroy hell your going to need to be able to kill light immune monsters. An eth cv infinity or your work would cut most light immunes, and those that aren't cut could be killed by your merc. Get a decent armor on your merc such as duress or duriels for cheap (I use duriels because of cannot be frozen and the resist and life too.) Get a life tap helm such as tal's, vamp gaze or andy's with a ral in it(fire immune).

Once you got that, try to get around 20k light dmg(I got 24k, chain light is at 9k.). You'll be able to kill mf easily :). My char is a mfer so I'm sacrificing some gear with +skills for mf...but if you just don't care as much about mf try getting +skills gear and such so you do more dmg so in 8 player hell games you'll clear any area like it was nothing.|||Better use a +2 sorc or +3 lightning amulet with a nice other affix instead of Highlord's.

A lightning sorc should have 117% FCR to hit a certain lightning/chain lightning breakpoint. Viper, Eschuta's+Arach already add 90%, so even crappy FCR roll on the Spirit monarch is good enough. You can use Frostburns instead of Magefists then and rings and amulets without FCR.

Alternatively you could use CoH instead of a Vipermagi, it adds +2 skills and massive +res. That would reduce fcr to 60% from Eschuta's and Arach, so when assuming that you have a 27% Spirit, you need another 30%, e.g. from rings, amulets and Magefists. A better FCR roll on Spirit won't change anything about that.

If the sorc is for PvM and you don't do Nihlathak or �bers with her, you don't need CtA. Better use MF items in the weapon switch for boss kills, like Rhyme + Ali Baba.

I would use boots with either +res, MF or +mana/energy (in that order of priority). If you have no res problems and you don't care about MF bonuses, I would use Silkweaves. In PvP, things might be different, however.|||If your goal is to have her be able to do all of hell the two items you need to get are an infinity for your merc (to get rid of most lightning immunes like Awake already mentioned) and for Nihlathak you need a Nature's Peace ring so he can't blow stuff up in your face.|||If your not in the mood to get a Nature's peace... you always just do what I do and spam teleport and lighting . In a couple seconds everything will be dead and you'll be wondering what happened to Nithlathak xD.|||go 200% FCR and really kick some with extremely fast teleports and lightning. get a Griifon's Eye or 2/20 circlet, another 10% FCR ring, keep the viper's, and then an ammy with 10%+ based on whatever you're short on from a non perfect Spirit roll. You'll defintely need infinity on the merc to stomp through Hell. I have a sorc just like that on non-ladder and she is fast.

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