Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I got hacked <.<


I lost enigma,Hoto,Cta,Shako, HoZ, Raven frost, seraps hymn and arachnid sash.

I haven't used any suspicious program, I have unque password.


Now my pala has almost no items |||How about your charms (character inventory) and character stash?

Your last game, did you die multiple times?|||My charms are on my inv.

Waterwalks,Magefists,1ring and spirit shield are still on me

I didnt die on last game

I need advice on starting from Scratch again

Lvl89 Hammerdin With spirit shield.

I can't beat hell countess anymore |||sounds more like poofing than hacking.

heh, your hammerdin's a poofer.|||What is poofing

Now I went into a game which was made by:wood-hammer

he had excatly those items to trade o-o

Now that guy logged of o-o|||That sucks! Happened to me a couple years ago, and is a big part of me losing interest in bnet.

I would assume that you were keylogged, this can happen easily when you have a problem with your firewall.|||Oh only charm that dissapeared was pala torch|||My Hammerdin is level 89. I don't have any gear on my zealot, my v/t, or my hammerdin. Friend took it all while I was away. Now I have nothing. At all.|||Quote:

My Hammerdin is level 89. I don't have any gear on my zealot, my v/t, or my hammerdin. Friend took it all while I was away. Now I have nothing. At all.

That's a good reason not to give your friend your password. Also completely irrelevant to the topic, but thanks for sharing |||Whilst irrelevancy is indeed something I added, I think I share empathy with the OP. Which is what that post was about. Anyways...

I agree with crawlingdeadman on your items poofing.

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