Wednesday, April 18, 2012

shield for a sorc (SinglePlayer -no SPIRIT please:-)

hey guys

i could use some advice with my meteorb sorc's shield. I browsed through some threads regarding this but decided to write my own anyway where i could have all my specific question answered.


the equipment first:

helm: Rare Circlet with +1to all skills, +19 resist, some life and mana

amulet: Tal Rashas Adjudication

weapon: HotO

armor: Skin of Vipermagi, perfect

shield: currently Lidless Wall but I want max block so I'm gonna switch it for something else

gloves: Magefist

ring: Bul Kathos' Wedding Band

ring: Stone Of Jordan

boots: Waterwalk

As you might probably guessed by now the problem is with the shield and my high expectings from it as I want to have max block 105 FCR max resists and something nice on the shield too like FBR FHR and so on.

My choice was Sanctuary until I realized that i would have a resistance overkill. Still I'm planning to make one once I find a Mal rune:-) for use with The Oculus.

However outside of Visceratuant I cant think of anything else good for a Sorc, if I want max block too. Any ideas?

Also a tip for an alternative for Boots wil be appreciated. Waterwalk has big boost to life and dexterity but thats it.. maybe crafting some Blood Boots would help?

Thanks for the replies in advance.|||Moser's is nice and has two open sockets. You could socket eld+eld to get high block rate (71%). Sanctuary may be better overall though.

Whitstan's guard (Orphan Call set) shield has foolishly high block rate (87%), but no resists or skills.|||For maximum blocking with no compromises, you will have to use Whitstan's guard, as said. With an Eld rune, it would even have 94% base blocking. I would rather invest a bit more into dex and use a shield with other mods as well, however. Moser's seems to the better overall shield in my eyes, with two Eld runes if you already have enough resists, else Eld+pdiamond or 2 pdiamonds or maybe two facets.|||rhyme is without skill and enh def but cheap and very good.resist,cbf, mana rege, nice blok,nice mf ...also Gerke's Sanctuary isnt bad. although str req is high, u can socketed with jewel or hel and u will get nice defence, chance to block, resistences,life replenish,dr by, but especially mdr by are very useful for fragile soso against li enchants, inferno or fire ench archeries...|||You CAN use spirit with RWmod, provided at our SPF...|||I like to use Gerke's on my Orb/ES Sorc, but otherwise I've always went with either Whitstan's or UP'd Moser's. If you are really that good with your resists as is, Whitstan's socketed with a Eld rune can save you tons of Dex points while going max block, so you can invest in higher VIT.

A little off-topic, my ES sorc is so sick. 90/90/90/90 resists, all absorbs, max block, quite a bit of PDR and MDR, almost 1000 Life and Mana... nothing quite like jumping thru a TP in an 8player Hell Baal game, and watching 3-5 people instantly die to Gloams - and I just laugh and let my ES fall while still taking no dmg and then proceed to lay down Frozen Orbs. I just can't be bothered to play a character that hits high lvls and then dies anytime a monster in Hell sneezes

I would rather sacrifice a little offensive power and be untouchable!!!|||Stormshield is pretty good too, as it provides resists, DR, nice block rate.

You could socket a "Hel" to reduce the strength requirement, "Shael" to increase block rate or "Um" for resistance |||Stormshield and Spirit (if using RWM) have a high str req and a max blocking sorc already needs lots of dex.|||whitstans guard for me is the best , easy to find and with 2os makes it probably the most flexible shield the game has to offer :)|||i would go for a set of wartravellers for your boots.. that opens the way for a higher str req shield aswell (they need 93 str themselves if i recall correctly) otherwise try to get some 3 res boots with frw/fhr and MF on them (those can be hard to find btw!)

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