Wednesday, April 18, 2012

DC spawns... Or does he?

So in my normal mule game the soj count appears, a little during the afternoon. starting at 18990 or something. So after a few hours I decide to find a hell game on that server, but I give up after a few tries. Then later I try again and in only 3-5 games I managed to get the correct one. (.47 FYI)

During the wait which was more or less 4-6 hours, a friend of mine comes in a clears CS and other bosses in act 3,4,5. I then read that if you clear CS, the clone wont spawn. So then when the count gets to 19028 I get "Diablo walks the earth" message and tries to spawn him in cold plains, but there's just Bishibosh as normal and no boss nor anything happens.

I didn't give up just that quickly, because when I go into the Inner Cloister, in the place where Bone Ash usually stands is now DC standing.

Enough said my little newcomer smiter @ lvl 72 gets the deal done (with all of the potions used up ) and I now have a nice, shiny little charm to show for it. |||Quote:

So in my normal mule game the soj count appears, a little during the afternoon. starting at 18990 or something. So after a few hours I decide to find a hell game on that server, but I give up after a few tries. Then later I try again and in only 3-5 games I managed to get the correct one. (.47 FYI)

During the wait which was more or less 4-6 hours, a friend of mine comes in a clears CS and other bosses in act 3,4,5. I then read that if you clear CS, the clone wont spawn. So then when the count gets to 19028 I get "Diablo walks the earth" message and tries to spawn him in cold plains, but there's just Bishibosh as normal and no boss nor anything happens.

I didn't give up just that quickly, because when I go into the Inner Cloister in the place where Bone Ash usually stand is now DC.

Enough said my little newcomer smiter @ lvl 72 gets the deal done (with all of the potions used up ) and I now have a nice, shiny little charm to show for it.

apprently if you kill every super unique in the game, he will not spawn. Can anyone confirm this?|||Quote:

apprently if you kill every super unique in the game, he will not spawn. Can anyone confirm this?

Well you need a super unique to spawn him, don't you? So how would he appear? |||Also never spawn him on Arreat Summit. He replaces one of the ancients and if you use a TP he disappears forever. I was SO pissed when that happened.|||Quote:

Also never spawn him on Arreat Summit. He replaces one of the ancients and if you use a TP he disappears forever. I was SO pissed when that happened.

thats unfortunate|||DC is no problem for an anti-�ber character, so I don't think you need TPs there, but if you do, cast it before the entrance in advance. Just put away your TP tome, to avoid accidents :).

I could imagine to seek out such a place for the bit of extra challenge, like additional nasty auras... and don't forget to make screenshots of the dramatic scenery!

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