Thursday, April 12, 2012

Recent HC articles prompted me to try HC again

[:1]I hadnt checked out this site in a while and I came back to check on some D3 news... while looking at all of that I stumbled on the recent articles about HC D2 and the thoughts on it. I never really played much Hardcore because I thought it would really suck to lose my character, but now I find it is giving me a new interest in D2. I have started with something not so risky a bowazon taking advantage of 1.13 improvements to exploding arrow and that tree. Im going with that and the passive skills, while ignoring the Javlin/spear branch. So far I have made it 1/2 way through act2 at lvl 17 without anything threatening more than 1/5 of my life. So I am really liking it and have convinced a friend to join me in trying HC. The cool thing is im taking it slow and enjoying each area of the game as a challenge and not wanting to rush through, more thought is put into items and I collect more charms than I did with a SC character. Anyhow the articles and podcasts were a nice inspiration to try this out more seriously than I ever did before. |||Good luck, i just killed my own char(stupidity being the culprit), my first HC char 2 days ago :) First i felt immenesly sad, because it was my reunion with D2 after... maybe 6-7 years? or 8? (no joking).

Actually day before i was thinking what would be my reaction had it die in some stupid way, i felt ill rage like hell and will have hard time rerollin again (i needed MF char and it would be tiring to do the SAME thing again). Suprisingly i didnt rage almost at all i stared like stupid on the screen Well i raged a little but after hour it was ok.

I got 62 crappy char i just started to make meph runs, was more than ok for NM act3(full res etc), i always wondered why the ****ing dolls hit me so good, i few times got to like 100hp, i felt "you stoopid you shouldn't run with shield". Still it was kinda weird so I said to myself ill check on forums its maybe becasue they blow up after death.. i didnt check. Day later i was going for my 2nd meph run using teleport and clearing dungeon for xp, and found myself teleported into about 10(!) dolls, my muscle reaction was typical SC reaction. Blizzard + teleport. But the problem was i didnt even had a chance to change hotkey for tele. haha you see now i laugh about it.

But the real key to the story is why i wasnt raging. Because i felt unconciously i shouldnt be raging its like in real life when you are a brat and someone tells you that you did something wrong and you become wise enough to admit it. Later i just googled literally "****ing stygian dolls" and found out about why i died.

The whole post wasnt meant to discourage you in any way even the contrary , it was more like complex explanation how memorable and funny in its twisted way is HC. Ill be making new char when ladder resets to go again and this time ill be playing completely sane at least near stygian dolls

Than i listened to podcast and i nod all the time. HC is not elitist in any way, its just you can die :)

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